동 명 사 (Gerund)
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- 2006. 7. 8.
동 명 사 (Gerund)
1. 동명사의 용법
1. 주어 2. 보어
3. 목적어( 타동사,전치사의)
1. Swimming is a good sport.
2. My business is making shoes.
3. He always enjoys reading novels.
He succeeded in solving the problem.
2. 복합명사 (동명사와 현재분사)
동명사는 목적과 용도를 나타낸다 [명사적]
현재분사는 동작과 상태를 나타낸다.[형용사적]
강세에 주의 : [동명사 + 명사], [현재분사 + 명사]
a sleeping - car = a car for sleeping
a sleeping baby = a baby who is sleeping
a walking - stick = a stick for walking
a walking dictionary = a living dictionary
3. 동명사의 의미상의 주어
1. 생략 ① 의미상주어가 일반인 일 때
② 문장의 주어, 목적어와 일치 할 때
2. 의미상주어를 표시하는 경우
① 인칭대명사및 생물(사람포함) - 소유격 원칙, 목적격 가능(구어)
② 무생물 - 목적격이 일반적
③ this, that, all, both 등이거나,2어 이상의 대명사
- 소유격 표시 불가.(소유격 형태 없거나, 표시곤란)
1. ① Smoking is harmful to health.
② I regret drinking too much.
2. ① I object to his[him] marrying her.
② We must allow for the train being late.
③ Little did we dream of that being false.
cf They insisted on paying the money.
They insisted on my paying the money.
4. 동명사의 수동태 (being + p.p.)
He escaped being killed in the battle.
I was afraid of being scolded.
☞ 수동의 의미를 갖는 동명사
| need, want, deserve (동사) ㆉ |
| + ing = to be pp |
| worth (형용사),require ? |
⊙ The door needs mending.
= This door needs to be mended.
⊙ The problem deserves solving.(to be solved)
ㆈ is worth seeing again .
⊙ The movie? is worthy of being seen again.ㆉ
= It is worth while ㆈseeingㆉ the movie again.
甲to see? to see를 가리킴>
⊙ It is not worth getting angry with her.(가주어, 진주어)
5. 동명사와 시제
<동명사의 형태> 형태
having spoken
being speaking
having been spoken
1. 단순동명사 : 술어동사와 같거나, 미래(root + ing)
2. 완료동명사 : 술어동사의 이전시제 ( having + pp, having been pp)
1. He is proud of being rich.
= He is proud that he is rich.
He was proud of being rich.
= He was proud that he was rich.
I am sure of succeeding .
= I am sure that I shall succeed.
I was sure of succeeding.
= I was sure that I should succeed.
2. He regrets having been idle.
= He regrets that he was (or has been) idle.
He regretted having been idle.
= He regretted that he had been idle.
<참고> 동사의 성질상 의미가 명확할 때는 단순형을 쓴다.
cf) I remember seeing(= having seen) him years ago.
I was blamed for doing (=having done) so.
6. 동명사와 부정사
1. 동명사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사 @ 중단하다 : stop, quit, finish, complete, give up
@ 피하다 : avoid, escape, help, evade
@ 연기하다: postpone, delay, put off
@ 기타: miss, enjoy, practice, admit, deny - -
2. 부정사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사 expect, hope, promise, agree, refuse, pretend
command, direct, order, remand, require - - -
3. 동명사도 부정사도 다 취하는 동사 @ 시작하다: begin, start
@ 좋아하다: like, love
@ 싫어하다: hate, dislike
@ 기타 : continue, intend, regret, omit, propose, purpose
4. 동명사와 부정사를 목적어로 취했을 경우 뜻이 달라지는 경우 remember [forget] + 동명사 - 과거사실
remember [forget] + to 부정사 - 미래사실
◇I remember seeing her once.
= I remember that I saw her once.
◇I remember to see him tomorrow.
= I remember that I must see him tomorrow. regret to Root ;∼할 것을 유감으로 생각하다.(하게되는 것이 유감이다)
regret ∼ ing p.p. ∼ 한 것을 유감으로 생각하다
◇I regret to tell that John stole it.
= I am sorry that I am about to tell you that John stole it.
◇I regret telling you that John stole it.
= I repent that I told you that John stole it.
◇ He regret having done such a thing.
◇He stopped (= gave up) smoking. ( Vt + O )
◇He stopped to smoke. ( Vt + 부사구)
= He stopped (working) in order to smoke.
◇He tried to do it again.[∼하려고 애쓰다]
He tried praying in his distress.[한번 (시험삼아) 해보다]
◇He went on to tell his story.[다시 계속해서 ∼하다]
He went on speaking.[∼을 계속하다]
6. 동명사 구문을 이용한 문의 단축(절 → 구)
1. 접속사를 없앤다.
2. 생략절의 주어 처리( 다르면 보존, 같으면 생략)
3. 생략절 동사 : V + ing로 고침.
4. 필요시 [의미상 주어 + V-ing] 앞에 적절한 전치사(구)를 넣어 연결
☞ 동명사의 부정 : 동명사 앞에 not / never 씀
1. He is proud that his son is bright.
2. He is ashamed that he did not work hard.
3. He insisted that I should make a plan.
4. She regrets that she did not marry Mr. Kim.
8. 동명사의 관용적 용법 (1)
1. cannot help - - ing [- - 하지 않을 수 없다]
2. There is no - - ing [ (도저히) - - 할 수 없다, 불가능하다]
3. It is no use - - ing [- - 해도 소용없다]
4. of one's own - - ing. [자신이 손수 -- - 한]
5. make a point of - - ing [- - 하는 것을 원칙으로 삼다]
6. never - - without --- ing[- - 하면 반드시 - - 한다]
1. I cannot help admiring to hear your speech.
= I cannot but admire to hear your speech.
= I cannot choose but admire to hear your speech.
= I have no choice but to admire to hear your speech.
2. There is no knowing how old she is.
= It is impossible to know how old she is.
= We cannot know how old she is
3. It is no use trying to persuade him.
= There is no use in trying to persuade him.
= It is of no use to try to persuade him.
4 This is the peach tree of my own planting.
= This is the peach tree which I myself planted.
= This is the peach tree which was planted by myself.
5. Our family make a point of going to church every Sunday.
= Our family are in the habit of going to church every Sunday.
= Our family make it a rule to go to church every Sunday.
6. I never see this watch without thinking of you.
= I never see this watch but I think of you
= Whenever I see this watch, I always think of you.
동명사의 관용적 용법(2)
7. On - - ing [ - - 하자마자 곧]
8. It goes without saying that - - [ - - 은 말 할 것도 없다]
9. What do you say to - - ing[- - 하는 게 어떻습니까?]
10. go - - ing [- - 하러 가다]
11. look forward to - - ing. [- - 을 기대 하다]
12. feel like - - ing [- - 하고 싶다]
13. with a view to - - ing [- - 할 목적으로]
14. be accustomed to - - ing [ - - 는 버릇이 있다] [습관이 되어 있다]
7. On hearing this news, I changed my plan.
= As soon as I heard this news, I changed my plan.
when , directly, immediately, the moment
8. It goes without saying that she will help us.
= It is needless to say that she will help us.
= It is a matter of course that she will help us.
9. What do you say to having a cup of coffee ?
= What do you think about having a cup of coffee ?
= How about having a cup of coffee ?
10. We went shopping / swimming /hiking /fishing.
11. She looks forward to seeing you at the party.
= She expects to see you at the party.
12. I don't feel like going to the movies tonight.(have a mind to-)
= I don't feel inclined to go the movies tonight.
13. He went to England with a view to studying linguistics.
= He went to England for the purpose of studying linguistics.
14. He is accustomed to rising at dawn. ㆈ be accustomed to N,G,R
= He is used to rising at dawn. 甲 be used to N,G
= He is in the habit of rising at dawn.
동명사의 관용적 용법 (3)
15. be on the point of - ing [막 - - 할 찰나에 있다]
16. worth - - ing [ - - 할 가치가 있다]
17. for the asking [요구하기만 하면]
18. keep (on) ∼ ing [계속해서 ∼하다]
19. be far from - - ing [ 결코 - - 아니다]
20. be busy (in) - - ing [ with + 명사] [ - -로 바쁘다
21. in - - ing[- - 할 때에]
22. be above - - ing [ - -하지 않을]
23. come [go] near - - ing [가까스로 모면하다]
15. He was on the point [verge/brink] of leaving.(be about to)
16. This novel is worth reading.
= It is worth while to read (reading) this novel.
17. You may have the book for the asking.
18. She kept (on) laughing all the while.
19. She is far from being satisfied.
= She is anything but satisfied.
= She is never satisfied .
20. She is busy (in) cooking in the kitchen.
I am busy with my task.
21. He had no difficulty (in) persuading her.
= He had no difficulty when he persuaded her.
22 He is above telling a lie.
= He is the last (man) to tell a lie.
23. He came near (to) being late.
= He narrowly [barely] escaped being late.
동명사의 관용적 용법 (4)
24. have a hard time ∼ing [ ∼하는데 고생하다]
25. have a difficulty (trouble) in ∼ing[∼ 하는데 어려움을 겪다
26. have quite a time ∼ing[∼하는데 상당한 시간이 걸리다]
27. spend 시간 (in) ∼ing [∼하는데 시간을 보내다]
28. take 시간 (in) ∼ ing [∼하는데 시간이 걸리다]
29. lose no time ∼ing [∼지체 없이 ∼을 하다]
30. be a long time (in) ∼ ing[∼하는데 오랜 시간이 걸리다]
31. kill time ∼ ing [∼하며 시간을 보내다]
24. I had a hard time making both ends meet.
25. He had some difficulty in getting a job.
26. I had quite a time locating your office.
27. I spent two years (in) studying French.
28. She took little time (in) getting ready.
29. We lost no time (in) hurrying to the station.
30. He was a long time (in) coming.
31. He killed time reading a magazine while he waited.
☞ to 다음에 동명사가 오는 관용어
1. object to - - ing (∼에 반대하다)
2. contribute to - - ing (∼에 공헌하다)
3. look forward to - - ing (∼을 고대하다)
4. with a view to(of) -- ing (∼할 목적으로)
5. what do you say to - - ing (∼하는 게 어때요)
6. devote oneself to - - ing (∼에 전념하다)
7. devote one's life to - - ing (∼에 일생을 바치다)
8. in addition to - - ing (∼에 더해서)
9. be used to - - ing (∼에 익숙하다)
= be accustomed to ∼ing(or Root)
1. 동명사의 용법
1. 주어 2. 보어
3. 목적어( 타동사,전치사의)
1. Swimming is a good sport.
2. My business is making shoes.
3. He always enjoys reading novels.
He succeeded in solving the problem.
2. 복합명사 (동명사와 현재분사)
동명사는 목적과 용도를 나타낸다 [명사적]
현재분사는 동작과 상태를 나타낸다.[형용사적]
강세에 주의 : [동명사 + 명사], [현재분사 + 명사]
a sleeping - car = a car for sleeping
a sleeping baby = a baby who is sleeping
a walking - stick = a stick for walking
a walking dictionary = a living dictionary
3. 동명사의 의미상의 주어
1. 생략 ① 의미상주어가 일반인 일 때
② 문장의 주어, 목적어와 일치 할 때
2. 의미상주어를 표시하는 경우
① 인칭대명사및 생물(사람포함) - 소유격 원칙, 목적격 가능(구어)
② 무생물 - 목적격이 일반적
③ this, that, all, both 등이거나,2어 이상의 대명사
- 소유격 표시 불가.(소유격 형태 없거나, 표시곤란)
1. ① Smoking is harmful to health.
② I regret drinking too much.
2. ① I object to his[him] marrying her.
② We must allow for the train being late.
③ Little did we dream of that being false.
cf They insisted on paying the money.
They insisted on my paying the money.
4. 동명사의 수동태 (being + p.p.)
He escaped being killed in the battle.
I was afraid of being scolded.
☞ 수동의 의미를 갖는 동명사
| need, want, deserve (동사) ㆉ |
| + ing = to be pp |
| worth (형용사),require ? |
⊙ The door needs mending.
= This door needs to be mended.
⊙ The problem deserves solving.(to be solved)
ㆈ is worth seeing again .
⊙ The movie? is worthy of being seen again.ㆉ
= It is worth while ㆈseeingㆉ the movie again.
甲to see? to see를 가리킴>
⊙ It is not worth getting angry with her.(가주어, 진주어)
5. 동명사와 시제
<동명사의 형태> 형태
having spoken
being speaking
having been spoken
1. 단순동명사 : 술어동사와 같거나, 미래(root + ing)
2. 완료동명사 : 술어동사의 이전시제 ( having + pp, having been pp)
1. He is proud of being rich.
= He is proud that he is rich.
He was proud of being rich.
= He was proud that he was rich.
I am sure of succeeding .
= I am sure that I shall succeed.
I was sure of succeeding.
= I was sure that I should succeed.
2. He regrets having been idle.
= He regrets that he was (or has been) idle.
He regretted having been idle.
= He regretted that he had been idle.
<참고> 동사의 성질상 의미가 명확할 때는 단순형을 쓴다.
cf) I remember seeing(= having seen) him years ago.
I was blamed for doing (=having done) so.
6. 동명사와 부정사
1. 동명사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사 @ 중단하다 : stop, quit, finish, complete, give up
@ 피하다 : avoid, escape, help, evade
@ 연기하다: postpone, delay, put off
@ 기타: miss, enjoy, practice, admit, deny - -
2. 부정사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사 expect, hope, promise, agree, refuse, pretend
command, direct, order, remand, require - - -
3. 동명사도 부정사도 다 취하는 동사 @ 시작하다: begin, start
@ 좋아하다: like, love
@ 싫어하다: hate, dislike
@ 기타 : continue, intend, regret, omit, propose, purpose
4. 동명사와 부정사를 목적어로 취했을 경우 뜻이 달라지는 경우 remember [forget] + 동명사 - 과거사실
remember [forget] + to 부정사 - 미래사실
◇I remember seeing her once.
= I remember that I saw her once.
◇I remember to see him tomorrow.
= I remember that I must see him tomorrow. regret to Root ;∼할 것을 유감으로 생각하다.(하게되는 것이 유감이다)
regret ∼ ing p.p. ∼ 한 것을 유감으로 생각하다
◇I regret to tell that John stole it.
= I am sorry that I am about to tell you that John stole it.
◇I regret telling you that John stole it.
= I repent that I told you that John stole it.
◇ He regret having done such a thing.
◇He stopped (= gave up) smoking. ( Vt + O )
◇He stopped to smoke. ( Vt + 부사구)
= He stopped (working) in order to smoke.
◇He tried to do it again.[∼하려고 애쓰다]
He tried praying in his distress.[한번 (시험삼아) 해보다]
◇He went on to tell his story.[다시 계속해서 ∼하다]
He went on speaking.[∼을 계속하다]
6. 동명사 구문을 이용한 문의 단축(절 → 구)
1. 접속사를 없앤다.
2. 생략절의 주어 처리( 다르면 보존, 같으면 생략)
3. 생략절 동사 : V + ing로 고침.
4. 필요시 [의미상 주어 + V-ing] 앞에 적절한 전치사(구)를 넣어 연결
☞ 동명사의 부정 : 동명사 앞에 not / never 씀
1. He is proud that his son is bright.
2. He is ashamed that he did not work hard.
3. He insisted that I should make a plan.
4. She regrets that she did not marry Mr. Kim.
8. 동명사의 관용적 용법 (1)
1. cannot help - - ing [- - 하지 않을 수 없다]
2. There is no - - ing [ (도저히) - - 할 수 없다, 불가능하다]
3. It is no use - - ing [- - 해도 소용없다]
4. of one's own - - ing. [자신이 손수 -- - 한]
5. make a point of - - ing [- - 하는 것을 원칙으로 삼다]
6. never - - without --- ing[- - 하면 반드시 - - 한다]
1. I cannot help admiring to hear your speech.
= I cannot but admire to hear your speech.
= I cannot choose but admire to hear your speech.
= I have no choice but to admire to hear your speech.
2. There is no knowing how old she is.
= It is impossible to know how old she is.
= We cannot know how old she is
3. It is no use trying to persuade him.
= There is no use in trying to persuade him.
= It is of no use to try to persuade him.
4 This is the peach tree of my own planting.
= This is the peach tree which I myself planted.
= This is the peach tree which was planted by myself.
5. Our family make a point of going to church every Sunday.
= Our family are in the habit of going to church every Sunday.
= Our family make it a rule to go to church every Sunday.
6. I never see this watch without thinking of you.
= I never see this watch but I think of you
= Whenever I see this watch, I always think of you.
동명사의 관용적 용법(2)
7. On - - ing [ - - 하자마자 곧]
8. It goes without saying that - - [ - - 은 말 할 것도 없다]
9. What do you say to - - ing[- - 하는 게 어떻습니까?]
10. go - - ing [- - 하러 가다]
11. look forward to - - ing. [- - 을 기대 하다]
12. feel like - - ing [- - 하고 싶다]
13. with a view to - - ing [- - 할 목적으로]
14. be accustomed to - - ing [ - - 는 버릇이 있다] [습관이 되어 있다]
7. On hearing this news, I changed my plan.
= As soon as I heard this news, I changed my plan.
when , directly, immediately, the moment
8. It goes without saying that she will help us.
= It is needless to say that she will help us.
= It is a matter of course that she will help us.
9. What do you say to having a cup of coffee ?
= What do you think about having a cup of coffee ?
= How about having a cup of coffee ?
10. We went shopping / swimming /hiking /fishing.
11. She looks forward to seeing you at the party.
= She expects to see you at the party.
12. I don't feel like going to the movies tonight.(have a mind to-)
= I don't feel inclined to go the movies tonight.
13. He went to England with a view to studying linguistics.
= He went to England for the purpose of studying linguistics.
14. He is accustomed to rising at dawn. ㆈ be accustomed to N,G,R
= He is used to rising at dawn. 甲 be used to N,G
= He is in the habit of rising at dawn.
동명사의 관용적 용법 (3)
15. be on the point of - ing [막 - - 할 찰나에 있다]
16. worth - - ing [ - - 할 가치가 있다]
17. for the asking [요구하기만 하면]
18. keep (on) ∼ ing [계속해서 ∼하다]
19. be far from - - ing [ 결코 - - 아니다]
20. be busy (in) - - ing [ with + 명사] [ - -로 바쁘다
21. in - - ing[- - 할 때에]
22. be above - - ing [ - -하지 않을]
23. come [go] near - - ing [가까스로 모면하다]
15. He was on the point [verge/brink] of leaving.(be about to)
16. This novel is worth reading.
= It is worth while to read (reading) this novel.
17. You may have the book for the asking.
18. She kept (on) laughing all the while.
19. She is far from being satisfied.
= She is anything but satisfied.
= She is never satisfied .
20. She is busy (in) cooking in the kitchen.
I am busy with my task.
21. He had no difficulty (in) persuading her.
= He had no difficulty when he persuaded her.
22 He is above telling a lie.
= He is the last (man) to tell a lie.
23. He came near (to) being late.
= He narrowly [barely] escaped being late.
동명사의 관용적 용법 (4)
24. have a hard time ∼ing [ ∼하는데 고생하다]
25. have a difficulty (trouble) in ∼ing[∼ 하는데 어려움을 겪다
26. have quite a time ∼ing[∼하는데 상당한 시간이 걸리다]
27. spend 시간 (in) ∼ing [∼하는데 시간을 보내다]
28. take 시간 (in) ∼ ing [∼하는데 시간이 걸리다]
29. lose no time ∼ing [∼지체 없이 ∼을 하다]
30. be a long time (in) ∼ ing[∼하는데 오랜 시간이 걸리다]
31. kill time ∼ ing [∼하며 시간을 보내다]
24. I had a hard time making both ends meet.
25. He had some difficulty in getting a job.
26. I had quite a time locating your office.
27. I spent two years (in) studying French.
28. She took little time (in) getting ready.
29. We lost no time (in) hurrying to the station.
30. He was a long time (in) coming.
31. He killed time reading a magazine while he waited.
☞ to 다음에 동명사가 오는 관용어
1. object to - - ing (∼에 반대하다)
2. contribute to - - ing (∼에 공헌하다)
3. look forward to - - ing (∼을 고대하다)
4. with a view to(of) -- ing (∼할 목적으로)
5. what do you say to - - ing (∼하는 게 어때요)
6. devote oneself to - - ing (∼에 전념하다)
7. devote one's life to - - ing (∼에 일생을 바치다)
8. in addition to - - ing (∼에 더해서)
9. be used to - - ing (∼에 익숙하다)
= be accustomed to ∼ing(or Root)