The Edge of Objectivity
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The Edge of Objectivity By Charles Coulston Gillispie 객관성의 칼날 |
Chapter IX EARLY ENERGETICS THE HISTORIAN OF SCIENCE approaches nineteenth-century physics in a (1)gingerly spirit. He has before him a great story, perhaps the greatest in his subject. But he is sure neither how to tell it, (2)not that he always has it right. At what point, he asks himself uneasily, is he beginning to write popular science (3)in retrospect? Compared to conventional fields of historiography, the history of science is (4)but sparsely (5)underpinned by a professional literature of special studies. And here in nineteenth-century physics what is elsewhere a (6)paucity (7)thins to a near vacuum. The historian has to write directly from the sources, and to seek such guidance as he may find from scientists themselves, attributing this or that importance to their predecessors. His situation is like (8)that of a diplomatic historian who should have nothing to work with beyond texts of treaties and official documents, (9)to be studied in awareness of the acts and sayings of (10)practicing diplomatists of his own time. One must respect such men of action, and also recognize that their lights are usually not historical. But an additional and even more serious obstacle lies across the history of science. Ordinary language always fails in some degree to convey the findings of science. In physics, the measure of this inadequacy curves sharply upward between Carnot and Helmholtz, or between Faraday and Maxwell. After the middle of the century, it mounts (11)exponentially toward the catastrophe of communication which everywhere (12)besets modern learning. Einstein remarks somewhere that as the concepts of science are simplified and become ever more beautiful, the mathematics expressing (13)them grows correspondingly more (14)esoteric. Only the mathematical physicists can follow the lengthening chain of abstraction which connects concepts to human experience, and only he can appreciate the beauty of the simplicity. The rest of us (15)are reduced to silence-to silence and to admiration, but less of physics than of Einstein. Modern physics, indeed, is so many things besides ideas about nature. It is abstraction. It is technique. It is instrumentation, housed in machines complex and expensive beyond the dreams of the most grandiose old engineer. It is power. It is education, diplomacy, and war. Materially at least, it holds all things for all men, the hope or the end of the world. And it is (16)far from clear what degree of entry the history of ideas will give into all this. Techniques (17)crowd out ideas nowadays. They change faster. They have come to have more history-in the last half-century far more. Nevertheless, even though the conscious or assumed structure of ideas about nature occupies a diminishing sector in the expansion of science, it remains a thread. Perhaps it must still be taken as the guiding thread, unless science is to abandon intellectuality altogether for technology at one end or mathematicization at the other, those extremes touching where operationalism meets symbolic logic in the new nominalism. [전문해석] 과학 역사가는 19세기 물리학을 신중하게 접근하게 된다. 그의 앞에는 대단한 이야기가 놓여져 있다. 아마도 그의 영역에서 가장 위대한 이야기일것이다. 그는 항상 자신이 올바르게 말한 것이 아니기 때문에 어떻게 말해야 알지 확신이 안 선다. 불안한 마음으로 자문 해본다. 과연 어디서 출발하여 과정을 돌이켜 보며 과학사를 기술해야 할까? 전통적인 역사학 분야와 비교해 보았을 때 과학의 역사에는 특수한 연구에 대한 전문적 문헌이 드물다. 다른 부분에서는 불충분하나마 어느 정도 있지만 19세기 물리학에서는 거의 전무하다. 과학사가는 직접 일차적 자료에 근거하여 글을 써야 하고 과학자들 자신으로부터 얻을 수 있는 실마리를 찾아서 이러 저러한 내용들의 가치를 그 이전의 어떤 과학자로부터 나왔는지를 알아내야 한다. 그가 처한 이러한 상황은 마치 조약이나 공식 문서이외에는 연구 할 다른 자료가 없는 외교사를 연구하는 학자의 상황과 같다. 그런데 이러한 조약이나 공식 문서는 같은 시대에 활동하고 있는 외교관들의 행동이나 발언을 인식한 토대 위에서 연구되어야 한다. 우리는 그러한 현역에 있는 사람들에 대하여 주목하고 그들의 관점이 역사적 가치가 늘 있는 것은 아니라는 점도 인식하여야 한다. 그렇지만 과학사에는 더 많은 그리고 더 커다란 장애물이 놓여 있다. |
문장 구조 및 문맥상 어휘 1. gingerly: carefully, delicately 2. not that: not because 3. in retrospect: looking back upon 과거를 회고하면서 4. but: only 5. underpin: continue by supporting or strengthening 6. paucity: insufficient amount 7. thin: lessen, dilute 8. that은 앞의 situation을 받는 대명사임. 9. to be studied은 which are가 생략되어 앞의 treaties and official documents를 꾸며준다. 10. practicing: acting 현역의 11. exponentially: rapidly 12. beset: afflict/difficult to deal with 13. them: the concepts of science를 받고 있음. 14. esoteric: obscure 15. be reduced to: be forced to do 그리고 뒤 부분의 less A than B는 A 보다는 B라고 해석하면서 동시에 두 개의 of 구는 앞의 admiration에 연결되고 있는 구조임. 16. far from: never 17. crowd out: displace |