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- 2006. 7. 8.
두 개 이상의 단어, 구, 절이 등위접속사, 상관접속사에 의해 연결될 때나, 비교구문에서 비교의 대상이 되는 내용은 문법범주가 서로 같아야 한다.
즉, to부정사 + 등위 상관접속사 + to 부정사, 동명사 + 등위 상관접속사 + 동명사
(다음 예들에서 이탤릭체로 된 부분은 평행구조를 어기고 있으므로 ( )속의 어구로 바뀌어야 한다)
1. 등위접속사에 의해 연결되는 내용
Jane is young, devoted, and she has talent. (talented)
The work is handsome and skillfully done. (handsomely)
The patient's symptons were fever, dizziness, and his head hurt. (headaches)
We learned what to do and how we should do. (how to do)
This job is offered to those who are able and the will to carry it out.
(have the will)
Condemned by the court and since he was denied a new trial, he committed suicide.
She died of not of old age, but she injured her head.
(of an injury to)
2. 상관접속사에 의해 연결되는 내용
The exam tested both listening and to read. (reading)
He is good not only at hockey bur also at playing basketball. (at basketball)
Tommy either is at home or away, but he certainly is not in my house.
(is either at home or away)
She doesn't know whether to sell her books or kept for reference. (to keep them)
3. 비교구문에서 비교되는 대상의 연결
Reading books is more useful than we watch TV. (watching TV)
Riding a bicycle is similar to the driving of a car. (driving)
Trying to get used foreign food seems as hard as learn a foreign language.
두 개 이상의 단어, 구, 절이 등위접속사, 상관접속사에 의해 연결될 때나, 비교구문에서 비교의 대상이 되는 내용은 문법범주가 서로 같아야 한다.
즉, to부정사 + 등위 상관접속사 + to 부정사, 동명사 + 등위 상관접속사 + 동명사
(다음 예들에서 이탤릭체로 된 부분은 평행구조를 어기고 있으므로 ( )속의 어구로 바뀌어야 한다)
1. 등위접속사에 의해 연결되는 내용
Jane is young, devoted, and she has talent. (talented)
The work is handsome and skillfully done. (handsomely)
The patient's symptons were fever, dizziness, and his head hurt. (headaches)
We learned what to do and how we should do. (how to do)
This job is offered to those who are able and the will to carry it out.
(have the will)
Condemned by the court and since he was denied a new trial, he committed suicide.
She died of not of old age, but she injured her head.
(of an injury to)
2. 상관접속사에 의해 연결되는 내용
The exam tested both listening and to read. (reading)
He is good not only at hockey bur also at playing basketball. (at basketball)
Tommy either is at home or away, but he certainly is not in my house.
(is either at home or away)
She doesn't know whether to sell her books or kept for reference. (to keep them)
3. 비교구문에서 비교되는 대상의 연결
Reading books is more useful than we watch TV. (watching TV)
Riding a bicycle is similar to the driving of a car. (driving)
Trying to get used foreign food seems as hard as learn a foreign language.