비 교 (Comparison)
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- 2006. 7. 8.
비 교 (Comparison)
1. 형용사의 비교 변화
1. 비교급 최상급 만들기
| ① 1음절어 : - er, - est |
| ② 2음절어 : - er, - est / more - , most - |
| ③ 3음절어 이상 : more - , most - |
☞ 2 음절어 중에서 앞음절에 강세가 있는 경우 more, most 붙임
즉, - ful, - less, - ous, - ive, - ed, - ing 로 끝나는 형용사는
모두 앞음절에 강세가 있으므로 more - ,most - 붙임.
☞ "형용사 + ly" 꼴의 부사는 more - , most -
slowly - more slowly - most slowly
★☆ <주의> 앞음절에 강세가 오는 2음절어 형용사 일지라도 다음
경우에 - er, - est 붙임.
| - y : funny, noisy, wealthy |
| - ow : narrow, shallow, hollow |
| - le : gentle, noble, feeble |
| - er, - ure : clever, nature, obscure |
2. - er, -est 붙일 때 주의 사항
| ① 묵음 - e 로 끝나는 말 : - e 탈락 |
| ② <단모음 + 자음> 끝 날 때 : 자음 하나 더 쓰고 -er,- est |
| ③ <자음 + y> 로 끝날 때 : [y → i] + - er,- est |
<연습> 비교급,최상급을 만드시오.
famous : beautiful :
wise : thin :
early : clever :
unhappy : gray :
단음절, 2 음절어인 경우에도 - more, most를 쓰는 경우
| ① 서술적 용법으로 쓰이는 것들 : good, worth,afraid, content,alive, |
| alone, aware etc |
| ② 습관적 사용 : like,real,just,right, wrong, false, strange,etc |
| ③ 동일인,동일물의 두가지 성질을 비교할 때 : more ∼ than |
① He is more fond of coffee than tea.
② It is wrong even to think of wine; it is more wrong to drink it.
③ He is more kind than wise.
| 비교 변화 하지 않은 단어 : dead, whole, empty, full, |
| unique, round |
3. 불규칙 변화
| good(좋은) |
| better - best |
| well(건강한) |
| |
| bad(나쁜) |
| worse - worst |
| ill(병든) |
| |
| many (수) |
| more - most |
| much (양) |
| |
| little (양) - less - least |
| few(수) - fewer - fewest |
| older(더 늙은) oldest : 노,소,신,구 |
| old - |
| elder eldest (가장 연장인) :형제관계 |
| |
| later (더 늦은) latest (최근의) : 시간 |
| late - |
| latter (순서) last (마지막의) : 순서 |
| |
| farther (더먼) farthest (가장 먼) : 거리 |
| far - |
| further(더한층) furthest (가장) : 정도 |
| |
1) My elder brother is older than your eldest sister.
2) He lost his only son in his later years.(말년에)
He got up later than usual (더늦게)
3) I like the latter part of the story.
4) My latest book had created a great sensation.
5) My last plan was successful.
6) I can't walk any farther[further].(더 멀리[더 이상])
Have you anything further to say ? (더 이상)
2. 비교법에 의한 비교
1. 원급 비교
He is as kind as she.
He is not so (as) tall as his brother.
2. 우등비교 [ 비교급 + than ]
He is taller than she.
He is four years older than I
( = He is older than I by four years.)
3. 열등비교
She is less beautiful than kind.
= She is not so beautiful as kind.
= She is rather kind than beautiful.
4. 라틴어계 비교
라틴어에서 온 형용사, 어미가 - or, than 대신 to 사용
| superior to prefer A to B |
| inferior to be preferable to ∼ ∼ 보다 낫다. |
| anterior to major to (보다 많은) |
| posterior to minor to |
| senior to interior to |
| junior to exterior to |
1) He is two years older than I.
= He is older than I by two years.
= He is two years senior to me.
= He is my senior by two years.
= He is two years my senior.
2) I prefer coffee to tea.
= I like coffee better than tea.
3) He is superior to me in English.
= He is better than I in Engilsh.
3.비교의 주의할 용법
1. 원급의 주의할 용법
| as ∼ as any + 명사 (어느 ∼ 에도 못지 않게) |
| (1) as ∼ as ever + 동사 ( 〃 ) |
| as ∼ as ever ( 여전히) |
John works as hard as any boy in his class.
He is as great a poet as ever lived.
He is as rich as ever. (그는 여전히 부유하다.)
| as ∼ as possible (가능한한 ∼ 하게) |
| (2) = as ∼ as one can |
| as well - - (또한, 역시) |
He ran as quickly as possible.( he could)
He is a novelist as well.
☞ cf) He is as poor as (poor) can be.(극도로 가난하다)
He is as kind as (kind) can be.
| as good as ∼ (∼와 다름 없는)(=almost) |
| (3) as many [much] as ∼ (∼만큼이나) |
| so much as ∼ (∼ 조차도 =even) |
He is as good as dead.
I collected as many as ten models.
He left without so much as saying good-bye.
2. 비교급의 주의할 용법
1) the + 비교급
★ 비교급 앞에는 the 쓰지않음이 원칙.
다음과 같은 예외 있음
| ① of A and B 또는 of the two 등의 어구 있을 때 |
| ② 이유 부사절 또는 이유 부사구와 함께 쓰일 때 |
| ③ the + 비교급 - - , the + 비교급 - - - |
① He is the younger of the two.
② I like him all the better because of his frankness.
③ The more we have, the more we want.
2) 동일인(물) 비교
| 동일인(물)의 성질을 비교할 때는 - er을 사용하지 않고 |
| more를 사용한다. 이때 more는 rather(오히려)의 뜻. |
She is more (=rather) shy than unsocial.
He is more a scholar than a writer.
3. 비교급의 관용적 용법
1) +------------------------------------------------------+
| much [still] more (한층 더 ∼ 하다) - (긍정) |
| much [still] less ( 한층 더 ∼ 하지 않다) - (부정) |
He can speak French, much more English.
She cannot speak English, much less French.
2) | A is no more B than C (is D) (쌍방부정) |
| ( A is not B 를 강조 ) |
| A is no less B than C (is D) (쌍방긍정) |
| (A is B 를 강조) |
A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.
A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.
She is no more beautiful than her sister.
그녀도 언니도, 둘다 못생겼다.
She is not more beautiful than her sister.
그녀는 언니 만큼 미인은 아니다.
She is no less beautiful than her sister
그녀도 언니와 마찬가지로 미인이다.
She is not less beautiful than her sister
cf) →She is probably more beautiful than her sister.
그녀는 언니 못지않게 미인이다.
3) | know better than to ∼ (∼ 할 만큼 어리석지 않다) |
| = too wise to do ∼ |
| = be not so foolish (such a fool) as to ∼ |
He knows better than to lend him money.
= He is too wise to lend him money.
= He is not so foolish as to lend him money.
|◇ no more than + 수사 = only (단지) (적다는 기분) |
| (= as little [few] as) |
| not more than + 수사 = at most (기껏해야) |
| ◇ no less than + 수사 (만큼이나) |
| = as much [many] as ∼ (많다는 기분) |
| not less than + 수사 = at least (적어도) |
He has no more than ten dollars.
He has not more than ten dollars.
He has no less than ten dollars.
He has not less than ten dollars.
5) You always get (get,gain) the better of me at chess. (= defeat)
6) When it's foggy, the planes are late more often than not.
(= as often as not)[ 대개,자주]
7) He was smiling no more. (= not - any more)
8) They no longer live in that house. (= not - - any longer)
9) I cannot walk any more. (더 이상 ∼ 않다)
10) A man is more or less what he looks.[다소,어느정도,다소 차이는 있으나]
(사람은 다소 차이는 있으나 그의 외모 그대로다.)(about,not exactly)
The work's more or less finished.(almost,nearly)
11) I know he is a nice fellow, but none the less I must punish him
on this occasion.[(그래도) 역시]
12) nothing less than ∼ [∼와 같은, ∼이하는 - - 아니다.]
It's nothing less than madness.[그것은 미친 짓이나 같다]
Nothing less than that will suffice.[그 이하로는 충분하지 않을 것이다]
13) no less sb than ∼ = none (no) other than ∼ [다름아닌 ∼ ]
He was no less a person than the President.
It was none other than Jones.(= It was Jones himself.)
14) no better than ∼ = almost (nearly)∼ = practically the same as ∼
He is no better than a beggar. = as good as
15) If he continues drinking, sooner or later he will lose his job.
16) He is as good as his word. = He is reliable.(약속 잘지키는 사람)
He is a man of his word
3. 비교급 강조
| much, (by) far, even,still, yet, |
| + 비교급 ( 훨씬 더 ∼ 한 ) |
| a good [great] deal, a lot, lots |
You acted even more foolishly than usual.
4. 절대비교급 : 비교대상이 없는 막연한 것
| the upper (상류계층) the younger generation (청년층) |
| the greater part of (대부분) the lower animal (하등동물) |
4. 최상급을 이용한 비교
| of + all (the) 복수명사 |
| the + 최상급 + |
| in + 단수명사 |
Tom is the tallest of all his classmates.
Tom is the tallest boy in his class.
She is the greatest artist that has ever lived. (최상급 강조)
1.최상급의 의미를 나타내는 여러가지 표현
2. 최상급에 정관사 the 를 붙이지 않는 경우
| 1) 부사의 최상급 |
| 2) 최상급의 형용사가 보어로 쓰이며, |
| ① 동일인,동일물의 성질이나,상태를 비교할 때 |
| ② 어느 때의 상태를 다른 때와 비교할 때 |
| 3) 정관사를 대신하는 다른 말(한정사)이 있을 때 |
1) I love her best.
2) ① The lake is deepest at this point.
cf) The lake is the deepest (lake) in Korea.
② I am happiest when alone.
cf) I am the happiest (man) of us all.
3) He is my best friend.
3. 절대 최상급
| 최상급이 형용사의 뜻을 강조하기 위해 [매우,아주 대단히 몹시]의 |
| 뜻으로 쓰일때 절대최상급이라 한다. |
1. They listened to me with (the) deepest sorrow.
2. Their friendship dated from their earliest youth.
3. His English is none of the best.
☞ none of the + 최상급 [ 조금도 - - 않다. 전연 - - 아니다.]
4. Most people are aware of it.(대부분)
This is a most (a very) interesting book.(매우)
The river is most (very) dangerous to bathe in.(매우)
cf) He has the most books of us.(가장많은, 최상급)
4. 최상급 강조
| (by) far the very |
| ① the 최상급 ② far and away 최상급 |
| much out and away |
He is by far the best scholar. (다른사람보다 훨씬 뛰어난 학자이다)
He is the very brightest boy. (그가 바로 가장 총명한 소년이다)
5.양보의 의미를 갖는 최상급
① The wisest man may sometimes make a mistake.
(= Even the wisest man)
② The most careful observation would not have revealed the mystery.
6. 최상급의 관용적용법 ★☆
1. You must make the best [most] of your time.[최대한 활용하다]
2.It was rather thoughtless of him, to say the least.[아무리 좋게 보아도]
3. He is the last man to betray you.= He is far from betraying you.
4. He breathed his last. (= died)
5. The blooms are at their best.(꽃이 한창이다)
6. It is at (the) best a second - rate hotel. (잘해야 2류 호텔이다)
7. He died at last in Seoul in 1991.(드디어,최후로)
8. I will call on you next Wednesday at (the) latest.(늦어도)
9. Read the last line but one. [ 끝에서 두번째]
1. 형용사의 비교 변화
1. 비교급 최상급 만들기
| ① 1음절어 : - er, - est |
| ② 2음절어 : - er, - est / more - , most - |
| ③ 3음절어 이상 : more - , most - |
☞ 2 음절어 중에서 앞음절에 강세가 있는 경우 more, most 붙임
즉, - ful, - less, - ous, - ive, - ed, - ing 로 끝나는 형용사는
모두 앞음절에 강세가 있으므로 more - ,most - 붙임.
☞ "형용사 + ly" 꼴의 부사는 more - , most -
slowly - more slowly - most slowly
★☆ <주의> 앞음절에 강세가 오는 2음절어 형용사 일지라도 다음
경우에 - er, - est 붙임.
| - y : funny, noisy, wealthy |
| - ow : narrow, shallow, hollow |
| - le : gentle, noble, feeble |
| - er, - ure : clever, nature, obscure |
2. - er, -est 붙일 때 주의 사항
| ① 묵음 - e 로 끝나는 말 : - e 탈락 |
| ② <단모음 + 자음> 끝 날 때 : 자음 하나 더 쓰고 -er,- est |
| ③ <자음 + y> 로 끝날 때 : [y → i] + - er,- est |
<연습> 비교급,최상급을 만드시오.
famous : beautiful :
wise : thin :
early : clever :
unhappy : gray :
| ① 서술적 용법으로 쓰이는 것들 : good, worth,afraid, content,alive, |
| alone, aware etc |
| ② 습관적 사용 : like,real,just,right, wrong, false, strange,etc |
| ③ 동일인,동일물의 두가지 성질을 비교할 때 : more ∼ than |
① He is more fond of coffee than tea.
② It is wrong even to think of wine; it is more wrong to drink it.
③ He is more kind than wise.
| 비교 변화 하지 않은 단어 : dead, whole, empty, full, |
| unique, round |
3. 불규칙 변화
| good(좋은) |
| better - best |
| well(건강한) |
| |
| bad(나쁜) |
| worse - worst |
| ill(병든) |
| |
| many (수) |
| more - most |
| much (양) |
| |
| little (양) - less - least |
| few(수) - fewer - fewest |
| older(더 늙은) oldest : 노,소,신,구 |
| old - |
| elder eldest (가장 연장인) :형제관계 |
| |
| later (더 늦은) latest (최근의) : 시간 |
| late - |
| latter (순서) last (마지막의) : 순서 |
| |
| farther (더먼) farthest (가장 먼) : 거리 |
| far - |
| further(더한층) furthest (가장) : 정도 |
| |
1) My elder brother is older than your eldest sister.
2) He lost his only son in his later years.(말년에)
He got up later than usual (더늦게)
3) I like the latter part of the story.
4) My latest book had created a great sensation.
5) My last plan was successful.
6) I can't walk any farther[further].(더 멀리[더 이상])
Have you anything further to say ? (더 이상)
2. 비교법에 의한 비교
1. 원급 비교
He is as kind as she.
He is not so (as) tall as his brother.
2. 우등비교 [ 비교급 + than ]
He is taller than she.
He is four years older than I
( = He is older than I by four years.)
3. 열등비교
She is less beautiful than kind.
= She is not so beautiful as kind.
= She is rather kind than beautiful.
4. 라틴어계 비교
라틴어에서 온 형용사, 어미가 - or, than 대신 to 사용
| superior to prefer A to B |
| inferior to be preferable to ∼ ∼ 보다 낫다. |
| anterior to major to (보다 많은) |
| posterior to minor to |
| senior to interior to |
| junior to exterior to |
1) He is two years older than I.
= He is older than I by two years.
= He is two years senior to me.
= He is my senior by two years.
= He is two years my senior.
2) I prefer coffee to tea.
= I like coffee better than tea.
3) He is superior to me in English.
= He is better than I in Engilsh.
3.비교의 주의할 용법
1. 원급의 주의할 용법
| as ∼ as any + 명사 (어느 ∼ 에도 못지 않게) |
| (1) as ∼ as ever + 동사 ( 〃 ) |
| as ∼ as ever ( 여전히) |
John works as hard as any boy in his class.
He is as great a poet as ever lived.
He is as rich as ever. (그는 여전히 부유하다.)
| as ∼ as possible (가능한한 ∼ 하게) |
| (2) = as ∼ as one can |
| as well - - (또한, 역시) |
He ran as quickly as possible.( he could)
He is a novelist as well.
☞ cf) He is as poor as (poor) can be.(극도로 가난하다)
He is as kind as (kind) can be.
| as good as ∼ (∼와 다름 없는)(=almost) |
| (3) as many [much] as ∼ (∼만큼이나) |
| so much as ∼ (∼ 조차도 =even) |
He is as good as dead.
I collected as many as ten models.
He left without so much as saying good-bye.
2. 비교급의 주의할 용법
1) the + 비교급
★ 비교급 앞에는 the 쓰지않음이 원칙.
다음과 같은 예외 있음
| ① of A and B 또는 of the two 등의 어구 있을 때 |
| ② 이유 부사절 또는 이유 부사구와 함께 쓰일 때 |
| ③ the + 비교급 - - , the + 비교급 - - - |
① He is the younger of the two.
② I like him all the better because of his frankness.
③ The more we have, the more we want.
2) 동일인(물) 비교
| 동일인(물)의 성질을 비교할 때는 - er을 사용하지 않고 |
| more를 사용한다. 이때 more는 rather(오히려)의 뜻. |
She is more (=rather) shy than unsocial.
He is more a scholar than a writer.
3. 비교급의 관용적 용법
1) +------------------------------------------------------+
| much [still] more (한층 더 ∼ 하다) - (긍정) |
| much [still] less ( 한층 더 ∼ 하지 않다) - (부정) |
He can speak French, much more English.
She cannot speak English, much less French.
2) | A is no more B than C (is D) (쌍방부정) |
| ( A is not B 를 강조 ) |
| A is no less B than C (is D) (쌍방긍정) |
| (A is B 를 강조) |
A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.
A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.
She is no more beautiful than her sister.
그녀도 언니도, 둘다 못생겼다.
She is not more beautiful than her sister.
그녀는 언니 만큼 미인은 아니다.
She is no less beautiful than her sister
그녀도 언니와 마찬가지로 미인이다.
She is not less beautiful than her sister
cf) →She is probably more beautiful than her sister.
그녀는 언니 못지않게 미인이다.
3) | know better than to ∼ (∼ 할 만큼 어리석지 않다) |
| = too wise to do ∼ |
| = be not so foolish (such a fool) as to ∼ |
He knows better than to lend him money.
= He is too wise to lend him money.
= He is not so foolish as to lend him money.
|◇ no more than + 수사 = only (단지) (적다는 기분) |
| (= as little [few] as) |
| not more than + 수사 = at most (기껏해야) |
| ◇ no less than + 수사 (만큼이나) |
| = as much [many] as ∼ (많다는 기분) |
| not less than + 수사 = at least (적어도) |
He has no more than ten dollars.
He has not more than ten dollars.
He has no less than ten dollars.
He has not less than ten dollars.
5) You always get (get,gain) the better of me at chess. (= defeat)
6) When it's foggy, the planes are late more often than not.
(= as often as not)[ 대개,자주]
7) He was smiling no more. (= not - any more)
8) They no longer live in that house. (= not - - any longer)
9) I cannot walk any more. (더 이상 ∼ 않다)
10) A man is more or less what he looks.[다소,어느정도,다소 차이는 있으나]
(사람은 다소 차이는 있으나 그의 외모 그대로다.)(about,not exactly)
The work's more or less finished.(almost,nearly)
11) I know he is a nice fellow, but none the less I must punish him
on this occasion.[(그래도) 역시]
12) nothing less than ∼ [∼와 같은, ∼이하는 - - 아니다.]
It's nothing less than madness.[그것은 미친 짓이나 같다]
Nothing less than that will suffice.[그 이하로는 충분하지 않을 것이다]
13) no less sb than ∼ = none (no) other than ∼ [다름아닌 ∼ ]
He was no less a person than the President.
It was none other than Jones.(= It was Jones himself.)
14) no better than ∼ = almost (nearly)∼ = practically the same as ∼
He is no better than a beggar. = as good as
15) If he continues drinking, sooner or later he will lose his job.
16) He is as good as his word. = He is reliable.(약속 잘지키는 사람)
He is a man of his word
3. 비교급 강조
| much, (by) far, even,still, yet, |
| + 비교급 ( 훨씬 더 ∼ 한 ) |
| a good [great] deal, a lot, lots |
You acted even more foolishly than usual.
4. 절대비교급 : 비교대상이 없는 막연한 것
| the upper (상류계층) the younger generation (청년층) |
| the greater part of (대부분) the lower animal (하등동물) |
4. 최상급을 이용한 비교
| of + all (the) 복수명사 |
| the + 최상급 + |
| in + 단수명사 |
Tom is the tallest of all his classmates.
Tom is the tallest boy in his class.
She is the greatest artist that has ever lived. (최상급 강조)
1.최상급의 의미를 나타내는 여러가지 표현
2. 최상급에 정관사 the 를 붙이지 않는 경우
| 1) 부사의 최상급 |
| 2) 최상급의 형용사가 보어로 쓰이며, |
| ① 동일인,동일물의 성질이나,상태를 비교할 때 |
| ② 어느 때의 상태를 다른 때와 비교할 때 |
| 3) 정관사를 대신하는 다른 말(한정사)이 있을 때 |
1) I love her best.
2) ① The lake is deepest at this point.
cf) The lake is the deepest (lake) in Korea.
② I am happiest when alone.
cf) I am the happiest (man) of us all.
3) He is my best friend.
3. 절대 최상급
| 최상급이 형용사의 뜻을 강조하기 위해 [매우,아주 대단히 몹시]의 |
| 뜻으로 쓰일때 절대최상급이라 한다. |
1. They listened to me with (the) deepest sorrow.
2. Their friendship dated from their earliest youth.
3. His English is none of the best.
☞ none of the + 최상급 [ 조금도 - - 않다. 전연 - - 아니다.]
4. Most people are aware of it.(대부분)
This is a most (a very) interesting book.(매우)
The river is most (very) dangerous to bathe in.(매우)
cf) He has the most books of us.(가장많은, 최상급)
4. 최상급 강조
| (by) far the very |
| ① the 최상급 ② far and away 최상급 |
| much out and away |
He is by far the best scholar. (다른사람보다 훨씬 뛰어난 학자이다)
He is the very brightest boy. (그가 바로 가장 총명한 소년이다)
5.양보의 의미를 갖는 최상급
① The wisest man may sometimes make a mistake.
(= Even the wisest man)
② The most careful observation would not have revealed the mystery.
6. 최상급의 관용적용법 ★☆
1. You must make the best [most] of your time.[최대한 활용하다]
2.It was rather thoughtless of him, to say the least.[아무리 좋게 보아도]
3. He is the last man to betray you.= He is far from betraying you.
4. He breathed his last. (= died)
5. The blooms are at their best.(꽃이 한창이다)
6. It is at (the) best a second - rate hotel. (잘해야 2류 호텔이다)
7. He died at last in Seoul in 1991.(드디어,최후로)
8. I will call on you next Wednesday at (the) latest.(늦어도)
9. Read the last line but one. [ 끝에서 두번째]