일치와 화법 (Agreement & Narration)
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- 2006. 7. 8.
일치와 화법 (Agreement & Narration)
Ⅰ. 수의 일치
1. 복수 형태의 주어가 단수 동사를 취하는 경우
| ① 복수형의 단일 국명 |
| ② 서적,잡지,신문등의 이름 |
| ③ 학과명 |
| ④ 일괄하여 단일개념으로 보는 것. |
① The United States of America is a rich country.
② The "Times" is one of the most famous newspapers in the world.
③ Mathematics is a difficult subject. ☞ physics, economics, ethics
④ ⓐ Ten years is a long time for me. (시간)
ⓑ A hundred miles is not a long distance today. (거리)
ⓒ Forty dollars was paid for the camera. (금액)
ⓓ Twelve pounds is too heavy for the child. (무게)
cf) Ten years have passed since he died. (시간의 경과)
2. +---------------------+
| 집합명사 + V (단,복)|
| 군집명사 + V (복) |
My family is a large one.
My family are all early risers.
There are 3 families in the house.
3. +-----------------------------------+
| Each [Every] + N (단) - - V (단) |
Every [or Each] girl was invited. ☞ every = each all
| either A or B - -- + V ( B에 일치) |
| neither A nor B - - - + V (B에 일치) |
Either you or I am in the wrong.
Neither you nor he is in the wrong.
5. +----------------------------------------------+
| A as well as B - - - + V (A에 일치) |
| = not only B but also A - - - + V (A에 일치) |
He as well as you is happy.
Not only he but also I am in the wrong.
6. +---------------------------------------------+
| a number of(=many) + N (복) - - + V (복) |
| the number of + N (복) - - + V (단) |
| many a + N (단) - - + V (단) |
A number of boys were absent.
The number of girls was only five.
Many a man is missing.
7.부분을 나타내는 말과 수의 일치
| half, 분수 |
| part | of (수) - - - - N (복) + V (복) |
| the rest | (양) - - - - N (단) + V (단) |
| most |
Half of the boys are industrious.
Half of the money was spent in buying books.
Three - fourths of them were boys.
Three - fourths of the earth's surface is water.
<문 제> 어법상 잘못된 곳을 고치기
1. The rest of the boys is still playing in the field.
2. The number of cars have increased very rapidly.
3. Mathematics seem to be difficult for him to study.
4. I, your master, is responsible for the result.
Ⅱ. 시제 일치
1. 주절의 동사가 현재,현재완료,미래일 때 종속절동사는 모든시제가 가능하다.
2. 주절의 동사가 과거일 때 종속절의 동사는 과거 또는, 과거완료만 쓴다.
* I think it will rain.
→ I thought it would rain.
3. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
| 시제일치의 예외 |
| ① 불변의 진리 · 격언 - 항상 현재 |
| ② 현재의 습관 · 사실 - 항상 현재 |
| ③ 역사절 사실 - 항상 과거 |
| ④ 가정법 - 시제불변 : 종속절이 가정법일 때 주절의 시제가 현재에서|
| 과거로 변할지라도 시제 불변. |
| ⑤ as, than이 이끄는 비교의 문장 |
| ⑥ should,must,ought to - 종속절에서 불변 |
① Columbus proved that the earth is round.
I learned that knowledge is power.
② He told me that he plays tennis on Sundays.
He told us that he lives in London.
cf) He told us that he lived in London.
(현재 런던에서 살고 있는지는 불확실)
③ The teacher said that Columbus discovered America in 1492.
④ She said," I wish I were rich."
⇒ She said that she wished she were rich.
⑤ He spoke English as fluently as you do now.
⑥ He said that he must (had to) work hard.
<문 제> 밑줄 친 부분의 시제가 잘못된 것은 ?
1) I told him that air is gas.
2) He told me that he goes to school.
3) We learned today that the Civil War had broken out in 1861.
4) Galileo proved that the earth is not the center of the
※ He said to me, "I am tired today." said ; 전달동사
------------- ------------------
전달문 피전달문 am ; 피전달동사
1. 직접화법을 간접화법으로 바꾸기
| ① 전달동사를 알맞은형으로 고친다. |
| ② comma와 인용부호를 없애고 피전달문을 접속사로 연결(cf, 명령문) |
| ③ 인칭 시제및 지시어,부사(구)를 일치 시킴. |
2. 지시어및 부사구의 변화
| this → that, these → those, here → there, now → then, |
| ago → before, tomorrow→ the next day(the following day) |
| yesterday → the day before(the previous day),today → that day |
| last + 시간명사 → the previous + 시간명사 |
3. 시제의 변화
| 1) 전달동사가 현제시제 : 피전달문의 시제 불변 |
| 2) 전달동사가 과거시제 : 시제일치에 맞춤 |
| 현재 → 과거 , 현재완료,과거완료 → 과거완료 |
| 조동사의 현재 → 조동사의 과거 |
4. 평서문의 전환
| ① 전달동사 : say(s) → say(s), said → said |
| say(s) to → tell(s) , said to → told |
| ② 피전달문은 접속사 that으로 연결한다. |
| ③ 인칭,지시어,수식어및 시제를 일치 시킨다. |
| ※ 시제는 시제일치 참조, 단 must, ought to, should는 그대로|
연 습 문 제
1) He says, "My father is ill." ⇒
2) She said," I should be back tomorrow." ⇒
3) He said," I like this book." ⇒
4) She said to me," You must go at once." ⇒
5. 의문문의 전환
| ① 전달동사 : ask, inquire (of + 사람) |
| ② 접속사 : ⓐ 의문사 있으면 ⇒ 의문사 + S + V |
| (단, 의문사가 주어이면 의문사 + V) |
| ⓑ 의문사 없으면 ⇒ if (or whether) + S + V |
| ③ 인칭,시제,지시어,부사(구)를 일치시킴. |
연 습 문 제
1) She said to me,"What are you doing?"
2) He said to me, "Why did you do so ?"
3) He said to me,"Do you know her ?"
6.명령문의 전환
| ① tell, ask, order,command,beg advise etc + 사람 + to - - |
| ② 부정명령문은 " tell + 사람 + not(or never) to - - " |
| ③ 피전달문이 Let's - -의 경우 said to ⇒ suggest,propose로 |
| 전달내용을 that - - - should - - 절로 나타냄. |
☞ suggest,propose ( to + 사람) ; 3형식 동사
연 습 문 제
1) He said to me,"Go home at once."
2) Father said to me,"Don't go out."
3) He said to me,"Let's go home."
4)" Let me show you the way." he said.
7. 감탄문의 전환
| 전달동사는 cry (out),exclaim,shout,remark등으로 바꾸고 |
| ① 감탄문 어순 그대로 쓰거나,② (how대신) very를 보충하여 평서문으로|
| ③ 감탄사 있을시 그 느낌에 상응하는 부사구로 고친다. |
Alas ! (감탄,뉘우침) ⇒ with a sigh ,with regret,in sorrow
Oh! Ah! (후회) ⇒ with regret (감탄) ⇒ with admiration
( 슬픔) ⇒ in sorrow
Hurrah ! (기쁨,만족) ⇒ with joy, with delight
Bravo ! (환영,갈채) ⇒ with applause
연 습 문 제
1) She said, "How happy I am !"
2) He said,"Alas ! All is over."
3) He said," Hurrah ! I've won!"
8. 기원문 전환
1) 신에 대한 기원 * (May) S Root - - !
He said,"God bless me !"
⇒ He prayed that God might bless him.
⇒ He prayed God to bless him.
2) 사람에 대한 기원
He said to me,"May you live long !"
⇒ He expressed his wish that I might live long.
9. 중문,복문,혼합문 전환
| ① 중문 : and,but 다음에 that를 씀.(단,for,as는 뒤에 that안 씀) |
| ② 명령문 + and (or) |
| ⓐ 명령문 + 평서문의 형식과 |
| ⓑ 조건절 + 주절의 형식으로 전환 |
| ③ 복문: 단문과 동일 요령으로 전환 |
| ④ 혼합문 : 피전달문이 2개 이상인 다른 종류의 문으로 구성 됬을 |
| 때에 접속사 and로 연결하고 알맞은 전달동사로 바꿈 |
연 습 문 제
1) He said,"I am happy and I am contented."
2) He said to me "Hurry up, or You will be late."
3) He said,"I will start if it is fine."
4) She said to me,"You look pale. Are you ill ?"
10. 의미만 전달하는 경우
1) He said," Hello, Mary."
⇒ He greeted Mary. / He called to Mary.
2) She said,"Yes." ⇒ She assented(agreed)
She answered in the affirmative.
3) He said,"No." ⇒ He denied it.
He answered in the negative.
Ⅰ. 수의 일치
1. 복수 형태의 주어가 단수 동사를 취하는 경우
| ① 복수형의 단일 국명 |
| ② 서적,잡지,신문등의 이름 |
| ③ 학과명 |
| ④ 일괄하여 단일개념으로 보는 것. |
① The United States of America is a rich country.
② The "Times" is one of the most famous newspapers in the world.
③ Mathematics is a difficult subject. ☞ physics, economics, ethics
④ ⓐ Ten years is a long time for me. (시간)
ⓑ A hundred miles is not a long distance today. (거리)
ⓒ Forty dollars was paid for the camera. (금액)
ⓓ Twelve pounds is too heavy for the child. (무게)
cf) Ten years have passed since he died. (시간의 경과)
2. +---------------------+
| 집합명사 + V (단,복)|
| 군집명사 + V (복) |
My family is a large one.
My family are all early risers.
There are 3 families in the house.
3. +-----------------------------------+
| Each [Every] + N (단) - - V (단) |
Every [or Each] girl was invited. ☞ every = each all
| either A or B - -- + V ( B에 일치) |
| neither A nor B - - - + V (B에 일치) |
Either you or I am in the wrong.
Neither you nor he is in the wrong.
5. +----------------------------------------------+
| A as well as B - - - + V (A에 일치) |
| = not only B but also A - - - + V (A에 일치) |
He as well as you is happy.
Not only he but also I am in the wrong.
6. +---------------------------------------------+
| a number of(=many) + N (복) - - + V (복) |
| the number of + N (복) - - + V (단) |
| many a + N (단) - - + V (단) |
A number of boys were absent.
The number of girls was only five.
Many a man is missing.
7.부분을 나타내는 말과 수의 일치
| half, 분수 |
| part | of (수) - - - - N (복) + V (복) |
| the rest | (양) - - - - N (단) + V (단) |
| most |
Half of the boys are industrious.
Half of the money was spent in buying books.
Three - fourths of them were boys.
Three - fourths of the earth's surface is water.
<문 제> 어법상 잘못된 곳을 고치기
1. The rest of the boys is still playing in the field.
2. The number of cars have increased very rapidly.
3. Mathematics seem to be difficult for him to study.
4. I, your master, is responsible for the result.
Ⅱ. 시제 일치
1. 주절의 동사가 현재,현재완료,미래일 때 종속절동사는 모든시제가 가능하다.
2. 주절의 동사가 과거일 때 종속절의 동사는 과거 또는, 과거완료만 쓴다.
* I think it will rain.
→ I thought it would rain.
3. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
| 시제일치의 예외 |
| ① 불변의 진리 · 격언 - 항상 현재 |
| ② 현재의 습관 · 사실 - 항상 현재 |
| ③ 역사절 사실 - 항상 과거 |
| ④ 가정법 - 시제불변 : 종속절이 가정법일 때 주절의 시제가 현재에서|
| 과거로 변할지라도 시제 불변. |
| ⑤ as, than이 이끄는 비교의 문장 |
| ⑥ should,must,ought to - 종속절에서 불변 |
① Columbus proved that the earth is round.
I learned that knowledge is power.
② He told me that he plays tennis on Sundays.
He told us that he lives in London.
cf) He told us that he lived in London.
(현재 런던에서 살고 있는지는 불확실)
③ The teacher said that Columbus discovered America in 1492.
④ She said," I wish I were rich."
⇒ She said that she wished she were rich.
⑤ He spoke English as fluently as you do now.
⑥ He said that he must (had to) work hard.
<문 제> 밑줄 친 부분의 시제가 잘못된 것은 ?
1) I told him that air is gas.
2) He told me that he goes to school.
3) We learned today that the Civil War had broken out in 1861.
4) Galileo proved that the earth is not the center of the
※ He said to me, "I am tired today." said ; 전달동사
------------- ------------------
전달문 피전달문 am ; 피전달동사
1. 직접화법을 간접화법으로 바꾸기
| ① 전달동사를 알맞은형으로 고친다. |
| ② comma와 인용부호를 없애고 피전달문을 접속사로 연결(cf, 명령문) |
| ③ 인칭 시제및 지시어,부사(구)를 일치 시킴. |
2. 지시어및 부사구의 변화
| this → that, these → those, here → there, now → then, |
| ago → before, tomorrow→ the next day(the following day) |
| yesterday → the day before(the previous day),today → that day |
| last + 시간명사 → the previous + 시간명사 |
3. 시제의 변화
| 1) 전달동사가 현제시제 : 피전달문의 시제 불변 |
| 2) 전달동사가 과거시제 : 시제일치에 맞춤 |
| 현재 → 과거 , 현재완료,과거완료 → 과거완료 |
| 조동사의 현재 → 조동사의 과거 |
4. 평서문의 전환
| ① 전달동사 : say(s) → say(s), said → said |
| say(s) to → tell(s) , said to → told |
| ② 피전달문은 접속사 that으로 연결한다. |
| ③ 인칭,지시어,수식어및 시제를 일치 시킨다. |
| ※ 시제는 시제일치 참조, 단 must, ought to, should는 그대로|
연 습 문 제
1) He says, "My father is ill." ⇒
2) She said," I should be back tomorrow." ⇒
3) He said," I like this book." ⇒
4) She said to me," You must go at once." ⇒
5. 의문문의 전환
| ① 전달동사 : ask, inquire (of + 사람) |
| ② 접속사 : ⓐ 의문사 있으면 ⇒ 의문사 + S + V |
| (단, 의문사가 주어이면 의문사 + V) |
| ⓑ 의문사 없으면 ⇒ if (or whether) + S + V |
| ③ 인칭,시제,지시어,부사(구)를 일치시킴. |
연 습 문 제
1) She said to me,"What are you doing?"
2) He said to me, "Why did you do so ?"
3) He said to me,"Do you know her ?"
6.명령문의 전환
| ① tell, ask, order,command,beg advise etc + 사람 + to - - |
| ② 부정명령문은 " tell + 사람 + not(or never) to - - " |
| ③ 피전달문이 Let's - -의 경우 said to ⇒ suggest,propose로 |
| 전달내용을 that - - - should - - 절로 나타냄. |
☞ suggest,propose ( to + 사람) ; 3형식 동사
연 습 문 제
1) He said to me,"Go home at once."
2) Father said to me,"Don't go out."
3) He said to me,"Let's go home."
4)" Let me show you the way." he said.
7. 감탄문의 전환
| 전달동사는 cry (out),exclaim,shout,remark등으로 바꾸고 |
| ① 감탄문 어순 그대로 쓰거나,② (how대신) very를 보충하여 평서문으로|
| ③ 감탄사 있을시 그 느낌에 상응하는 부사구로 고친다. |
Alas ! (감탄,뉘우침) ⇒ with a sigh ,with regret,in sorrow
Oh! Ah! (후회) ⇒ with regret (감탄) ⇒ with admiration
( 슬픔) ⇒ in sorrow
Hurrah ! (기쁨,만족) ⇒ with joy, with delight
Bravo ! (환영,갈채) ⇒ with applause
연 습 문 제
1) She said, "How happy I am !"
2) He said,"Alas ! All is over."
3) He said," Hurrah ! I've won!"
8. 기원문 전환
1) 신에 대한 기원 * (May) S Root - - !
He said,"God bless me !"
⇒ He prayed that God might bless him.
⇒ He prayed God to bless him.
2) 사람에 대한 기원
He said to me,"May you live long !"
⇒ He expressed his wish that I might live long.
9. 중문,복문,혼합문 전환
| ① 중문 : and,but 다음에 that를 씀.(단,for,as는 뒤에 that안 씀) |
| ② 명령문 + and (or) |
| ⓐ 명령문 + 평서문의 형식과 |
| ⓑ 조건절 + 주절의 형식으로 전환 |
| ③ 복문: 단문과 동일 요령으로 전환 |
| ④ 혼합문 : 피전달문이 2개 이상인 다른 종류의 문으로 구성 됬을 |
| 때에 접속사 and로 연결하고 알맞은 전달동사로 바꿈 |
연 습 문 제
1) He said,"I am happy and I am contented."
2) He said to me "Hurry up, or You will be late."
3) He said,"I will start if it is fine."
4) She said to me,"You look pale. Are you ill ?"
10. 의미만 전달하는 경우
1) He said," Hello, Mary."
⇒ He greeted Mary. / He called to Mary.
2) She said,"Yes." ⇒ She assented(agreed)
She answered in the affirmative.
3) He said,"No." ⇒ He denied it.
He answered in the negative.