부 사 (Adverb)
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부 사 (Adverb)
1.부사의 형태
1.형용사 + ly = 부사
ⓐ easy → easily pretty → prettily
ⓑ true → truly due → duly
ⓒ noble → nobly cf) whole → wholly , sole → solely
ⓓ full → fully
ⓔ basic → basically dramatic → dramatically
☞ 명사 + ly = 형용사 ------------------------------------------+
| manly, friendly,lovely, timely ,cowardly, motherly,worldly |
A manly man would not have run away.
Your timely warning saved our lives.
2. 형용사와 같은 형태의 부사
He gets up early.
He is an early riser.
He works hard.
He is a hard worker.
☞ late, fast, long,high,weekly,pretty,near,enough - -
3.어미 유무에 따라 뜻이 다른 부사
The wind is blowing hard.
I can hardly believe it.
He climbed high.
He was highly pleased.
★| dear : 비싸게 direct : 똑바로 |
| dearly : 몹시 directly : 곧바로(at once) |
| near : 가까이 high: 높이(공간적) |
| nearly : 거의 (almost) highly: 대단히(비유적) |
| pretty :꽤,매우 hard :열심히 |
| prettily :곱게 hardly:거의 - - - 않다 |
| wide :넓게 right :정확히 |
| widely :크게 rightly:정당하게 |
| late : 늦게 deep: 깊게 |
| lately : 최근에 deeply :매우,철저히(비유적) |
2. 부사의 위치 (일반적 규칙)
| 1. 형용사,부사(구,절)을 수식하는 경우 : 그 앞에 |
| 2. 동사수식 |
| ⓐ 자동사 + 부사 |
| ⓑ 부사 + 타동사 + 목적어 |
| ⓒ 타동사 + 목적어 + 부사 |
| ⓓ 타동사 + 부사 + 긴목적어 |
| 3. 빈도부사 : 일반동사 앞, be 조동사 뒤 |
| 4. 부정사수식은 뒤에서 |
| 5. 부사 겹칠 때 " 장소 + 방법(양태) + 시간" |
| 6. 타동사 + 부사 (two word verb) |
| ⓐ 목적어가 명사일 때 : 명사의 앞 또는 뒤 |
| ⓑ 목적어가 대명사 일때 : 대명사 뒤 |
| 7. only 는 수식하는 말 앞에 |
1. I'm very sorry.
2. ① They lived happily.
② He can speak English fluently.
3. He usually gets up at six.
He is always kind to others.
☞ always, often, sometimes, soon, never, seldom, usually, generally
4. He told me to get up early.
☞ He advised me never(or not) to tell a lie.
5. He arrived here safely this morning.
6. +------------------------------------------------------------+
| ① He put the hat on = He put on the hat. |
| ② He put on it (×) ⇒ He put it on. (○) |
| ☞ take off, put out, see off, give up, give away - - |
☞ never seldom sometimes often usually always
| | | | | | |
0 % 50 % 100 %
☆★ 3. 주의할 단순부사
| 1. very : 형용사,부사의 원급,현재분사 수식 |
| much : 동사,형용사 부사의 비교급,최상급,과거분사를 수식 |
◇ She is very happy today.
I like beef much.
She is much happier than I.
◇ This novel is very interesting.
I am much interested in his novel.
|☞ ① 형용사화한 과거분사는 very 로 수식 |
| ( tired,pleased, worried,delighted,amazed,disappointed 등)|
| ☞ 주로 사람의 심정 상태를 나타내는 과거분사 임 |
| ② 서술적으로만 쓰이는 형용사는 much로 수식. |
| ( afraid, awake,asleep,alike,aware,alone - - -) |
They were very tired. He is much afraid of snake.
| 2. already : 긍정문에서 『이미,벌써』 |
| yet : 의문문, 부정문에서 『벌써,아직』 |
| still : 긍정문,부정문 『아직도,여전히』 |
Has the bell rung yet ?
No,it has not rung yet.
Yes,it has already rung.
It is still raining.
☞ 의문문에 쓰인 already는 놀람,의외의 기분을 나타냄.
Has the bell rung already ?
3. |So + S + V : so = yes,indeed |
|So + V + S : so = also, too |
She is rich. So she is. (= Yes, she is rich.)
So is he. ( = He is rich,too.)
4. soon, early, fast, quickly
| soon : 곧 < long after의 대조 - 때의 경과> |
| early : 일찍 |
| fast : 빨리 |
| quickly : 빨리 |
Don't go away so soon ; you can stay a little longer.
Where are you going so early in the morning ?
How fast time flies !
Mary, come quickly.
5. ago, before, since
| | 때를 나타내는 어구와 함께 | 단독으로 쓸때 |
| ago | 지금부터 - - 전에(과거시제) | × |
| before | 그때보다 - - 전에(과거완료) | 전에,이전에 (과거,현완,과완)|
| since | - - 이래 죽 (현재완료) | 그후지금 까지 (현재완료) |
① She left a few minutes ago.
② He said that she had left home two years before.(과완)
I have met him before.(현재완료)
I saw him before.(과거)
③ It has not rained since last month.
He came back and has been here since. (= since then)
cf) It is five years since he began writing novels. (접속사)
6. ever, once, never
| ever : 언젠가,일찍이 <의문,조건>, 지금까지<부정,최상급> |
| once : 한번,이전에 <긍정> |
| never : - - - 한적 없다 |
Have you ever been there ? Yes, I have once been there.
Nothing ever happened here.
There once lived a wise king.
I have never been there.
☞ 의문문 + ever = 의문문 + on earth (도대체)
Who ever said such a thing ?
= Who on earth said such a thing ?
| for once (한번만), ever after(그후 죽), all at once (갑자기) |
| at once (즉시,동시에), ever since(이래로 죽),than ever(어느 때 보다)|
| once in a while (때때로),once (and) for all (단호히) |
7. too, also, either
| too : 또한 역시 ; 너무 - - - 하게 |
| also : 또한, 역시 |
| either : 또한, 역시 <부정문 에서 > |
It is not too warm today. Her mother was also a nurse.
She is a nurse, too. She is not a nurse,either.
8. just,now,just now
| just : [이제, 방금] 현재시제,완료시제 |
| now : [이제,지금 곧];(과거와 함께), [그때,이때에] |
| just now : [바로지금,바로 조금전] 현재,과거; 완료 안씀 |
The train is just starting.
He was now at the height of his fame.
He is busy just now.
9. little, a little,not a little
| little : 거의 - - 하지 않다 <부정> |
| a little : 약간 - - 하다. <긍정> |
| not a little : 적지 아니 - -하다.(= very much) |
I was a little surprised at the news.
little / not a little
★☆| little + ( expect, know, imagine, realize,guess,dream 등)형식에서 |
| little (= not at all) : 『전혀 - - 않다』의 뜻. |
I little expected to meet you here. ( = Little did I expect- -- )
10. +------------------------------------+
|How + long [ far,often,much,many ] |
How long is this river ? <길이>
How long does it take to get there ? <시간>
How far is it from here to the station ? <거리>
How often do you eat in a day ?<횟수>
How much is it ? <가격>
How many books do you have ? <수>
11.| enough의 위치 |
★| ① 부사 일때 : 형용사 뒤 |
| ② 형용사 일때 : 명사의 앞,뒤 |
He is old enough to marry.
He has enough money to buy the house.
He has money enough to buy the house.
4. 부분부정
| 부정어(not,no)와 함께 부분부정을 이루는 말. |
| necessarily,altogether, entirely,quite, |
| fully, completely, wholly, absolutely, |
| all, both, every - - , always, exactly |
* 다음 문장을 해석하고 완전부정으로 고치시오.
① The rich are not always happy.
② Not every good man will prosper.
③ Every man cannot be a good prophet.
④ Both of them are not carpenters.
1.부사의 형태
1.형용사 + ly = 부사
ⓐ easy → easily pretty → prettily
ⓑ true → truly due → duly
ⓒ noble → nobly cf) whole → wholly , sole → solely
ⓓ full → fully
ⓔ basic → basically dramatic → dramatically
☞ 명사 + ly = 형용사 ------------------------------------------+
| manly, friendly,lovely, timely ,cowardly, motherly,worldly |
A manly man would not have run away.
Your timely warning saved our lives.
2. 형용사와 같은 형태의 부사
He gets up early.
He is an early riser.
He works hard.
He is a hard worker.
☞ late, fast, long,high,weekly,pretty,near,enough - -
3.어미 유무에 따라 뜻이 다른 부사
The wind is blowing hard.
I can hardly believe it.
He climbed high.
He was highly pleased.
★| dear : 비싸게 direct : 똑바로 |
| dearly : 몹시 directly : 곧바로(at once) |
| near : 가까이 high: 높이(공간적) |
| nearly : 거의 (almost) highly: 대단히(비유적) |
| pretty :꽤,매우 hard :열심히 |
| prettily :곱게 hardly:거의 - - - 않다 |
| wide :넓게 right :정확히 |
| widely :크게 rightly:정당하게 |
| late : 늦게 deep: 깊게 |
| lately : 최근에 deeply :매우,철저히(비유적) |
2. 부사의 위치 (일반적 규칙)
| 1. 형용사,부사(구,절)을 수식하는 경우 : 그 앞에 |
| 2. 동사수식 |
| ⓐ 자동사 + 부사 |
| ⓑ 부사 + 타동사 + 목적어 |
| ⓒ 타동사 + 목적어 + 부사 |
| ⓓ 타동사 + 부사 + 긴목적어 |
| 3. 빈도부사 : 일반동사 앞, be 조동사 뒤 |
| 4. 부정사수식은 뒤에서 |
| 5. 부사 겹칠 때 " 장소 + 방법(양태) + 시간" |
| 6. 타동사 + 부사 (two word verb) |
| ⓐ 목적어가 명사일 때 : 명사의 앞 또는 뒤 |
| ⓑ 목적어가 대명사 일때 : 대명사 뒤 |
| 7. only 는 수식하는 말 앞에 |
1. I'm very sorry.
2. ① They lived happily.
② He can speak English fluently.
3. He usually gets up at six.
He is always kind to others.
☞ always, often, sometimes, soon, never, seldom, usually, generally
4. He told me to get up early.
☞ He advised me never(or not) to tell a lie.
5. He arrived here safely this morning.
6. +------------------------------------------------------------+
| ① He put the hat on = He put on the hat. |
| ② He put on it (×) ⇒ He put it on. (○) |
| ☞ take off, put out, see off, give up, give away - - |
☞ never seldom sometimes often usually always
| | | | | | |
0 % 50 % 100 %
☆★ 3. 주의할 단순부사
| 1. very : 형용사,부사의 원급,현재분사 수식 |
| much : 동사,형용사 부사의 비교급,최상급,과거분사를 수식 |
◇ She is very happy today.
I like beef much.
She is much happier than I.
◇ This novel is very interesting.
I am much interested in his novel.
|☞ ① 형용사화한 과거분사는 very 로 수식 |
| ( tired,pleased, worried,delighted,amazed,disappointed 등)|
| ☞ 주로 사람의 심정 상태를 나타내는 과거분사 임 |
| ② 서술적으로만 쓰이는 형용사는 much로 수식. |
| ( afraid, awake,asleep,alike,aware,alone - - -) |
They were very tired. He is much afraid of snake.
| 2. already : 긍정문에서 『이미,벌써』 |
| yet : 의문문, 부정문에서 『벌써,아직』 |
| still : 긍정문,부정문 『아직도,여전히』 |
Has the bell rung yet ?
No,it has not rung yet.
Yes,it has already rung.
It is still raining.
☞ 의문문에 쓰인 already는 놀람,의외의 기분을 나타냄.
Has the bell rung already ?
3. |So + S + V : so = yes,indeed |
|So + V + S : so = also, too |
She is rich. So she is. (= Yes, she is rich.)
So is he. ( = He is rich,too.)
4. soon, early, fast, quickly
| soon : 곧 < long after의 대조 - 때의 경과> |
| early : 일찍
| fast : 빨리
| quickly : 빨리
Don't go away so soon ; you can stay a little longer.
Where are you going so early in the morning ?
How fast time flies !
Mary, come quickly.
5. ago, before, since
| | 때를 나타내는 어구와 함께 | 단독으로 쓸때 |
| ago | 지금부터 - - 전에(과거시제) | × |
| before | 그때보다 - - 전에(과거완료) | 전에,이전에 (과거,현완,과완)|
| since | - - 이래 죽 (현재완료) | 그후지금 까지 (현재완료) |
① She left a few minutes ago.
② He said that she had left home two years before.(과완)
I have met him before.(현재완료)
I saw him before.(과거)
③ It has not rained since last month.
He came back and has been here since. (= since then)
cf) It is five years since he began writing novels. (접속사)
6. ever, once, never
| ever : 언젠가,일찍이 <의문,조건>, 지금까지<부정,최상급> |
| once : 한번,이전에 <긍정> |
| never : - - - 한적 없다 |
Have you ever been there ? Yes, I have once been there.
Nothing ever happened here.
There once lived a wise king.
I have never been there.
☞ 의문문 + ever = 의문문 + on earth (도대체)
Who ever said such a thing ?
= Who on earth said such a thing ?
| for once (한번만), ever after(그후 죽), all at once (갑자기) |
| at once (즉시,동시에), ever since(이래로 죽),than ever(어느 때 보다)|
| once in a while (때때로),once (and) for all (단호히) |
7. too, also, either
| too : 또한 역시 ; 너무 - - - 하게 |
| also : 또한, 역시 |
| either : 또한, 역시 <부정문 에서 > |
It is not too warm today. Her mother was also a nurse.
She is a nurse, too. She is not a nurse,either.
8. just,now,just now
| just : [이제, 방금] 현재시제,완료시제 |
| now : [이제,지금 곧];(과거와 함께), [그때,이때에] |
| just now : [바로지금,바로 조금전] 현재,과거; 완료 안씀 |
The train is just starting.
He was now at the height of his fame.
He is busy just now.
9. little, a little,not a little
| little : 거의 - - 하지 않다 <부정> |
| a little : 약간 - - 하다. <긍정> |
| not a little : 적지 아니 - -하다.(= very much) |
I was a little surprised at the news.
little / not a little
★☆| little + ( expect, know, imagine, realize,guess,dream 등)형식에서 |
| little (= not at all) : 『전혀 - - 않다』의 뜻. |
I little expected to meet you here. ( = Little did I expect- -- )
10. +------------------------------------+
|How + long [ far,often,much,many ] |
How long is this river ? <길이>
How long does it take to get there ? <시간>
How far is it from here to the station ? <거리>
How often do you eat in a day ?<횟수>
How much is it ? <가격>
How many books do you have ? <수>
11.| enough의 위치 |
★| ① 부사 일때 : 형용사 뒤 |
| ② 형용사 일때 : 명사의 앞,뒤 |
He is old enough to marry.
He has enough money to buy the house.
He has money enough to buy the house.
4. 부분부정
| 부정어(not,no)와 함께 부분부정을 이루는 말. |
| necessarily,altogether, entirely,quite, |
| fully, completely, wholly, absolutely, |
| all, both, every - - , always, exactly |
* 다음 문장을 해석하고 완전부정으로 고치시오.
① The rich are not always happy.
② Not every good man will prosper.
③ Every man cannot be a good prophet.
④ Both of them are not carpenters.