전 치 사 (Preposition)
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- 2006. 7. 8.
전 치 사 (Preposition)
1. 전치사의 종류
| 1.단순전치사 - at, on, with, to - - - |
| 2.이중전치사 - till after, from under - - - |
| 3.구전치사 - in spite of,by means of - - - |
1. He stayed at home with her on Sunday.
2. Seen from above the sky, it looks like a lake.
3. There is a pond in front of my house
2.전치사의 기능
| 1.형용사구 : ① 명사수식 ② 서술적 용법(S.C, O.C) |
| 2.부사구 : ① 동사수식 ② 형용사 수식 ③ 다른부사[구] 수식 |
1. ① He is a man of wisdom. (= wise man)
② This book is of great use. (= very useful)
Moderate exercises keep you in good health. (= healthy)
2. ① He lives in comfort.
② What he has said may be true of education,too.
③ He behaved himself politely in a measure.
3. 전치사의 위치
| 1. 전치사 + 목적어 : 원칙 |
| 2. 의문사가 목적어 일때 : 의문사 앞,문장 끝 |
| 3. 관계대명사가 목적어 일 때 : 관계대명사 앞,동사뒤 |
| 4. 목적어 강조 도치 |
1. He went to Pusan.
2. For whom are you looking.
= Whom are you looking for.
3. This is the house in which he lives.
= This is the house which he lives in.
4. Absolute silence she insisted on.
4.전치사의 목적어
| 1.전치사의 목적어는 (대)명사,동명사,명사절 등이다.(원칙) |
| 단,that가 이끄는 명사절은 불가 (in that∼,except that∼ 은 가능)|
| 2.about, but(=except = save),than, instead of 등은 |
| 부정사를 목적어로 취하는 경우가 있다. |
| 3. 형용사를 목적어로 취하는 경우도 있다.(관용적 표현) |
| 4. 부사를 목적어로 취하는 경우도 있다. |
1. I gave the book to her.
This is a good medicine for getting rid of a cold.
From where I was sitting, I could not see her.
Man differs from brutes in that he can think and speak.
2. He was about to speak.
You should know better than to believe everything you hear.
He does nothing but (=except) eat and drink.
She has no choice but to obey him.
3. Robert is called Bob for short. (줄여서)
All our efforts were in vain.
4.The bridge has not been repaired until recently.
5. 전치사의 생략
| 1.[전치사 + 명사]의 부사구에서 "시간,거리,방법"을 나타낼때 |
| at,for,in,of - - 보통 생략 |
| 2. [of + 명사]형의 부사구가 <연령,크기,모양,색채,가격,직업 등>을 |
| 나타낼 때 [of] 자주 생략. |
| 3. 관용적 생략 |
1. (At) what time does your school begin ?
I walked (for) twenty miles.
2. They are (of) the same age.
(Of) what color is the bus ?
3. He spent 3 hours (in) repairing the car.
Father was always late (in) coming back.
6. 전치사와 부사구의 구분
| 1. 자동사 + 전치사 : 목적어는 반드시 전치사 뒤에 옴 |
| 2. 타동사 + 부사 : 목적어가 명사이면 목적어는 부사의 |
| 전,후에 다 올수 있음 |
1. The earth turns on its axis. (○)
The earth turns its axis on. (×)
2. Please, turn on the light. (○)
Plesae, turn the light on. (○)
Please, turn it on. (○)
Please, turn on it. (×)
※ 강세 표시하고 해석 하시오.-----------------------------------------+
| call up give up pick up |
| put away put down put off |
| see off turn on turn off |
| listen to look at think of |
☆★ 전치사와 부사의 구분 요령
자동사 + 전치사는 자동사가 본래의 의미를 가지고 있고
타동사 + 부사는 타동사가 본래의 뜻과 다른 의미를 가지고 있다.
| 전치사의 종류 |
1.때 표시 전치사
★ 1) till,by
| till - 동작 상태의 계속 ( - - 까지) |
| by - 동작의 완료 표시 ( - - 까지) |
Stay here till[until] the end of next month
I shall be back by six.
2) at, in, on
| at - 짧은 시점 표시 (분,시,정오,새벽,밤 등) |
| in - at 보다 긴 때 표시 (월,계절,년,세기 등) |
★ | on - 일정한 날짜 표시 (날짜나 일정한 날의 아침,오전,오후,밤 등) |
He gets up at six every morning.
Flowers bloom in spring.
Mr. Yang was born on 25th of September in 1955.
I was born on March 29.
He met her on the afternoon of May 7th.
3) in, within, after
| in - 때의 경과 (지나서) <앞으로 있을 사실> |
| within - 기간 한계내, (내에) |
| after - 때의 경과 (지나서) <지난 사실에 대하여> |
He will return in a few days.(며칠 지나서)
He will call on me within a few days. (며칠 이내에)
He came back after a month. (한달 지나서)
cf) I will be back after two o'clock.
4) since, from
| since - 현재까지 계속되는 일정 사실의 시발점(이래 죽) |
| from - 일정사실의 발생 기점(부터) |
I have not heard from him since last month.
I lived in Seoul from 1965 till 1976.
★ 5) for, during, through
| for - 일정한 기간의 단위 표시(동안) <주로 수사 동반> |
| during - 어떤 동작,상태의 계속 (동안) 주로 명사 동반> |
| through - 처음부터 끝까지 내내(동안 죽) |
I stayed here for three days.
I was in the army during the war.
He stayed with me through the summer.
2. 장소 표시 전치사
1) at, in
| at - 비교적 좁은 장소,한지점(에) |
| in - 비교적 넓은 장소및 내부(에) |
The library is located at Chongno in Seoul.
☞ 좁은 장소라도 자기가 살고 있는 곳은 in, 넓은 장소라도 잠깐
머무는 곳은 at 사용.
I live in this town.
On my last trip I stopped at Chicago and stayed three days
in New York.
2) before, behind, after
| before (= in front of) - 정지 상태의 - - 앞에 |
| behind - 정지 또는 움직이고 있는 것의 뒤에 |
| after - 움직이고 있는 것의 뒤에 |
You must stand before me.
I hid myself behind the curtain.
The dog was running after the cat.
3) between, among
| between - 둘 사이에 |
| among - 셋 이상 사이에 |
Divide these between you two. Divide these among you three.
4) along, across, through
| along - 긴 것에 따라 ( - - 에 따라서) |
| across - ( - - 을 횡단 해서) |
| through -( - - 을 지나서, 관통해서) |
He walked along the street.
He ran across the road.
The river flows through the city.
5) about, round, around
| about - 막연한 주위(주위에) |
| round - 운동 상태 (주위에) |
| around - 정지 상태 (주위에) |
I live about the school.
The earth moves round the sun.
They sat around the fire. ☞ round, around는 흔히 구별 없이 쓰임.
6) to, for, toward
| to - 방향과 도착지점 (- - 에) |
| for - 목적지로 (- - 로 향해) |
| toward(s) - 운동의 방향만 표시 (- - 쪽으로) |
He has gone to America.
He left for Seoul.
On my entering, she turned towards me.
7) on,over,above; under,below,beneath
on은 표면의 접한 위(↔ beneath),over는 표면 바로위(↔ under)
above는 표면에서 멀리 떨어진 위(↔ below)
Look at the lamp on the table.
There is a bridge over the river.
A beautiful moon peered above the horizon.
The cat was under the table.
When the sun sets, it goes below the horizon.
The closet is beneath the stairs.
3. 목적의 전치사
| for - 목적,추구,준비에(- - 하기위해) |
| on - 용무,목적 (- - 하러) |
| after - 추구,욕망 ( - - 구하러) |
What do you go to school for ?
I sent my servant on an errand.
He is always seeking after wealth.
4. 수단,방법,행위자 표시 전치사
★ +--------------------------------+
| by - - -으로, 에 의하여 |
| with - - 으로 (도구) |
| through - - -(- 을 통하여) |
He was killed by a robber.
He was killed with a pistol.
I spoke to him through an interpreter.
5.원인, 이유 표시 전치사
1) from, through, of
| from - 직접적인 원인 ( - - 으로, 때문에) |
| through - 간접적인 원인 (- - 으로, 때문에) |
| of - 사망, 병의 원인 ( - - 으로 때문에) |
He was taken ill from eating too much.(과식으로)
He was dismissed through neglect of duty.(직무 태만으로)
He died of cholera.
He died from overwork.
2) on, at, in,over
| on - 동작이나 행위의 결과 (- -으로 ,때문에) |
| at - 감정의 원인 ( - - 보고,듣고) |
| in - 기쁨,자부심의 원인 동기 (- - 으로, 때문에) |
| over - 감정의 원인(- - 으로, 때문에) |
I congratulate you on your success.
I am pleased at his coming to see me.
She takes delight in music lessons.
It is no use crying over spilt milk.
★6. 원료 재료의 전치사
| of - 성질 보존 ( - - 으로) |
| from - 형태,성질 변화 ( - - 으로) |
| into - 재료,원료가 주어일 때 ( - - 으로 하는데) |
This house is made of stone.
Wine is made from grapes.
Milk is made into butter.
★☆ | 동사와 전치사 |
1.이유,탓의 To
| 성공 | attribute | |
| 실패 | ascribe, refer | A to B |
+------+------------------+ |
| 성공 | owe | (결과) (원인) |
+------+------------------+ |
| 실패 | impute | |
He attributed his failure to a bad luck.
He ascribed his failure to ill health.
They imputed the accident to the driver's carelessness.
My father owed his success to Mother.
cf) They blamed the failure on George.
They blamed George for the failure.
2. 의존의 On, To
★★ B(도움)을 A(수단)에 의존 하다.
| depend | |
| rely | on A for B |
| count,rest | |
We depend on the mass media for daily news.
I count on him for assistance.
★★ B를 A에 의존(호소) 하다.
| 의존 | turn, look | |
+------+-----------------+ to A for B |
| 호소 | resort, appeal | |
I turn to Mother for pocket money.
The prisoner appealed to the judge for mercy.
3. 제거,요구의 Of
★ A에게서 B를 제거(박탈)하다.
| 제거 | rob, rid | |
| | deprive, strip | A of B |
+------+---------------------+ (사람) (사물) |
| 경감 | ease, cure,relieve | |
★ B에게서 A를 요구(기대)하다.
| ask, require | A of B |
| demand, expect | (사물) (사람) |
I want to ask a favor of you.
4. 제공,부여,부과의 With, On
★ A에게서 B를 제공(위탁,선사)하다.
| 제공 | provide,supply | |
| | furnish | |
+------+------------------------+ A with B |
| 위탁 | trust | (사람) (사물) |
+------+------------------------+ |
| 선사 | present | B for(to) A |
Sheep provide us with wool.
★ - - 을 타고 나다(대개 수동태)
be with
He is endowed by nature with genius.
★ B에게 A를 부과(강요)하다.
| 부과 impose | |
+------------------+ A on B |
| 강요 force | |
I am sorry to impose a new burden on you again.
cf) We forced him to sign the paper.
I forced some more water on him.
5. 행동의 방향을 나타내는 Into, Out of
★ [설득하여 - - 하게[못하게] 하다]
| 설득 |argue,talk,persu de| into - - - ing(긍정)|
+-------+-------------------+ |
| 강요 | force | out of - - ing (부정)|
(1) I talked him into staying at home.
I forced the lady into complying with my proposal.
(2) I managed to talk him out of this plan.
I talked the girl out of doing that.
Can you persuade her out of her foolish plans ?
cf) I persuaded him to try again.
6. 구별,분리의 From
★ [A와 B를 구별하다]
| tell, know, distinguish A from B |
Can you tell good books from bad ones ?
★ [A와 B를 분리하다.]
| separate, alienate, |
| A from B |
| isolate |
7. 방해, 금지의 From
★ [ ∼ 가 - - -하는 것을 막다[방해하다]]
| prevent | |
| keep | ∼ from - -ing |
| stop | |
The heavy snowfall prevented him from attending the party.
★ [ ∼ 가 - - 하는 것을 금지시키다[삼가다]]
| prohibit | ∼ from - - ing |[금지시키다](법,규칙으로)
| refrain,abstain | from - - ing |[삼가다]
The law prohibits ships from approaching this island.
Refrain from smoking and abstain from drinking.
8. 통지,설득의 Of
| inform , convince,assure | |
| | A of B |
| remind, persuade,notify | (사람) |
He convinced me of her honesty.(∼ that she was honesty)
He informed me of the news.
This album reminds me of my school.
9. 변화의 Into
| turn, translate | |
| | A into B |
| change,put | |
Heat changes ice into water.
Put the following sentence into Korean.
10. 칭찬,비난,감사의 For
| praise, punish | |
| | A(사람) for B |
| blame, thank | |
He blamed her for idleness.
11.A를 B로 잘못 알다.
| mistake [take] A for B |
They took me for a chinese.
12. 전치사 + the + 신체의 일부
| 붙잡다 : catch,hold,take,seize,grasp + by |
| 때리다 : strike,knock,beat,pat,hit,touch,kiss + on |
| 보다 : look,stare,gaze, + in |
| 기타 : 기타 동사 + 사람 + 기타전치사 |
He held me by the sleeve.
He hit me on the shoulder.
He looked me in the face.
Mother cut her in the finger when cooking.
She slapped him in the face.
He embraced her round the neck.
13. 다른 전치사와 함께 뜻이 달라지는 형용사
| ① be angry at [about] (something) ( (- -일에) 화를 내다.) |
| be angry with (a person) ((- - 에게) 화를 내다.) |
| ② be anxious at [about] ( - - 에 대해 걱정하다) |
| be anxious for ( - - 을 갈망하다.) |
| ③ be familiar to + 사람 ( - - 에게 잘 알려저 있다) |
| be familiar with + 사물 ( - - 을 잘 알고 있다) |
| be good at ( - - 을 잘하다) |
| ④ be good for ( - - 에 좋다) |
| be good to ( - - 에 친절하다) |
| ⑤ be tired of ( - - 에 싫증나다) |
| be tired with ( - - 에 지치다) |
| ⑥ be dependent on ( - - 에 의지하다) |
| be independent of ( - - 에서 독립하다) |
| ⑦ be concerned in [with] ( - - 에 관계하다) |
| be concerned about [for] (- - 을 고려하다) |
| ⑧ be possessed by [with] ((악령 따위에) 들리다) |
| be possessed of ( - - 을 소유하고 있다) |
1. 전치사의 종류
| 1.단순전치사 - at, on, with, to - - - |
| 2.이중전치사 - till after, from under - - - |
| 3.구전치사 - in spite of,by means of - - - |
1. He stayed at home with her on Sunday.
2. Seen from above the sky, it looks like a lake.
3. There is a pond in front of my house
2.전치사의 기능
| 1.형용사구 : ① 명사수식 ② 서술적 용법(S.C, O.C) |
| 2.부사구 : ① 동사수식 ② 형용사 수식 ③ 다른부사[구] 수식 |
1. ① He is a man of wisdom. (= wise man)
② This book is of great use. (= very useful)
Moderate exercises keep you in good health. (= healthy)
2. ① He lives in comfort.
② What he has said may be true of education,too.
③ He behaved himself politely in a measure.
3. 전치사의 위치
| 1. 전치사 + 목적어 : 원칙 |
| 2. 의문사가 목적어 일때 : 의문사 앞,문장 끝 |
| 3. 관계대명사가 목적어 일 때 : 관계대명사 앞,동사뒤 |
| 4. 목적어 강조 도치 |
1. He went to Pusan.
2. For whom are you looking.
= Whom are you looking for.
3. This is the house in which he lives.
= This is the house which he lives in.
4. Absolute silence she insisted on.
4.전치사의 목적어
| 1.전치사의 목적어는 (대)명사,동명사,명사절 등이다.(원칙) |
| 단,that가 이끄는 명사절은 불가 (in that∼,except that∼ 은 가능)|
| 2.about, but(=except = save),than, instead of 등은 |
| 부정사를 목적어로 취하는 경우가 있다. |
| 3. 형용사를 목적어로 취하는 경우도 있다.(관용적 표현) |
| 4. 부사를 목적어로 취하는 경우도 있다. |
1. I gave the book to her.
This is a good medicine for getting rid of a cold.
From where I was sitting, I could not see her.
Man differs from brutes in that he can think and speak.
2. He was about to speak.
You should know better than to believe everything you hear.
He does nothing but (=except) eat and drink.
She has no choice but to obey him.
3. Robert is called Bob for short. (줄여서)
All our efforts were in vain.
4.The bridge has not been repaired until recently.
5. 전치사의 생략
| 1.[전치사 + 명사]의 부사구에서 "시간,거리,방법"을 나타낼때 |
| at,for,in,of - - 보통 생략 |
| 2. [of + 명사]형의 부사구가 <연령,크기,모양,색채,가격,직업 등>을 |
| 나타낼 때 [of] 자주 생략. |
| 3. 관용적 생략 |
1. (At) what time does your school begin ?
I walked (for) twenty miles.
2. They are (of) the same age.
(Of) what color is the bus ?
3. He spent 3 hours (in) repairing the car.
Father was always late (in) coming back.
6. 전치사와 부사구의 구분
| 1. 자동사 + 전치사 : 목적어는 반드시 전치사 뒤에 옴 |
| 2. 타동사 + 부사 : 목적어가 명사이면 목적어는 부사의 |
| 전,후에 다 올수 있음 |
1. The earth turns on its axis. (○)
The earth turns its axis on. (×)
2. Please, turn on the light. (○)
Plesae, turn the light on. (○)
Please, turn it on. (○)
Please, turn on it. (×)
※ 강세 표시하고 해석 하시오.-----------------------------------------+
| call up give up pick up |
| put away put down put off |
| see off turn on turn off |
| listen to look at think of |
☆★ 전치사와 부사의 구분 요령
자동사 + 전치사는 자동사가 본래의 의미를 가지고 있고
타동사 + 부사는 타동사가 본래의 뜻과 다른 의미를 가지고 있다.
| 전치사의 종류 |
1.때 표시 전치사
★ 1) till,by
| till - 동작 상태의 계속 ( - - 까지) |
| by - 동작의 완료 표시 ( - - 까지) |
Stay here till[until] the end of next month
I shall be back by six.
2) at, in, on
| at - 짧은 시점 표시 (분,시,정오,새벽,밤 등) |
| in - at 보다 긴 때 표시 (월,계절,년,세기 등) |
★ | on - 일정한 날짜 표시 (날짜나 일정한 날의 아침,오전,오후,밤 등) |
He gets up at six every morning.
Flowers bloom in spring.
Mr. Yang was born on 25th of September in 1955.
I was born on March 29.
He met her on the afternoon of May 7th.
3) in, within, after
| in - 때의 경과 (지나서) <앞으로 있을 사실> |
| within - 기간 한계내, (내에) |
| after - 때의 경과 (지나서) <지난 사실에 대하여> |
He will return in a few days.(며칠 지나서)
He will call on me within a few days. (며칠 이내에)
He came back after a month. (한달 지나서)
cf) I will be back after two o'clock.
4) since, from
| since - 현재까지 계속되는 일정 사실의 시발점(이래 죽) |
| from - 일정사실의 발생 기점(부터) |
I have not heard from him since last month.
I lived in Seoul from 1965 till 1976.
★ 5) for, during, through
| for - 일정한 기간의 단위 표시(동안) <주로 수사 동반> |
| during - 어떤 동작,상태의 계속 (동안) 주로 명사 동반> |
| through - 처음부터 끝까지 내내(동안 죽) |
I stayed here for three days.
I was in the army during the war.
He stayed with me through the summer.
2. 장소 표시 전치사
1) at, in
| at - 비교적 좁은 장소,한지점(에) |
| in - 비교적 넓은 장소및 내부(에) |
The library is located at Chongno in Seoul.
☞ 좁은 장소라도 자기가 살고 있는 곳은 in, 넓은 장소라도 잠깐
머무는 곳은 at 사용.
I live in this town.
On my last trip I stopped at Chicago and stayed three days
in New York.
2) before, behind, after
| before (= in front of) - 정지 상태의 - - 앞에 |
| behind - 정지 또는 움직이고 있는 것의 뒤에 |
| after - 움직이고 있는 것의 뒤에 |
You must stand before me.
I hid myself behind the curtain.
The dog was running after the cat.
3) between, among
| between - 둘 사이에 |
| among - 셋 이상 사이에 |
Divide these between you two. Divide these among you three.
4) along, across, through
| along - 긴 것에 따라 ( - - 에 따라서) |
| across - ( - - 을 횡단 해서) |
| through -( - - 을 지나서, 관통해서) |
He walked along the street.
He ran across the road.
The river flows through the city.
5) about, round, around
| about - 막연한 주위(주위에) |
| round - 운동 상태 (주위에) |
| around - 정지 상태 (주위에) |
I live about the school.
The earth moves round the sun.
They sat around the fire. ☞ round, around는 흔히 구별 없이 쓰임.
6) to, for, toward
| to - 방향과 도착지점 (- - 에) |
| for - 목적지로 (- - 로 향해) |
| toward(s) - 운동의 방향만 표시 (- - 쪽으로) |
He has gone to America.
He left for Seoul.
On my entering, she turned towards me.
7) on,over,above; under,below,beneath
on은 표면의 접한 위(↔ beneath),over는 표면 바로위(↔ under)
above는 표면에서 멀리 떨어진 위(↔ below)
Look at the lamp on the table.
There is a bridge over the river.
A beautiful moon peered above the horizon.
The cat was under the table.
When the sun sets, it goes below the horizon.
The closet is beneath the stairs.
3. 목적의 전치사
| for - 목적,추구,준비에(- - 하기위해) |
| on - 용무,목적 (- - 하러) |
| after - 추구,욕망 ( - - 구하러) |
What do you go to school for ?
I sent my servant on an errand.
He is always seeking after wealth.
4. 수단,방법,행위자 표시 전치사
★ +--------------------------------+
| by - - -으로, 에 의하여 |
| with - - 으로 (도구) |
| through - - -(- 을 통하여) |
He was killed by a robber.
He was killed with a pistol.
I spoke to him through an interpreter.
5.원인, 이유 표시 전치사
1) from, through, of
| from - 직접적인 원인 ( - - 으로, 때문에) |
| through - 간접적인 원인 (- - 으로, 때문에) |
| of - 사망, 병의 원인 ( - - 으로 때문에) |
He was taken ill from eating too much.(과식으로)
He was dismissed through neglect of duty.(직무 태만으로)
He died of cholera.
He died from overwork.
2) on, at, in,over
| on - 동작이나 행위의 결과 (- -으로 ,때문에) |
| at - 감정의 원인 ( - - 보고,듣고) |
| in - 기쁨,자부심의 원인 동기 (- - 으로, 때문에) |
| over - 감정의 원인(- - 으로, 때문에) |
I congratulate you on your success.
I am pleased at his coming to see me.
She takes delight in music lessons.
It is no use crying over spilt milk.
★6. 원료 재료의 전치사
| of - 성질 보존 ( - - 으로) |
| from - 형태,성질 변화 ( - - 으로) |
| into - 재료,원료가 주어일 때 ( - - 으로 하는데) |
This house is made of stone.
Wine is made from grapes.
Milk is made into butter.
★☆ | 동사와 전치사 |
1.이유,탓의 To
| 성공 | attribute | |
| 실패 | ascribe, refer | A to B |
+------+------------------+ |
| 성공 | owe | (결과) (원인) |
+------+------------------+ |
| 실패 | impute | |
He attributed his failure to a bad luck.
He ascribed his failure to ill health.
They imputed the accident to the driver's carelessness.
My father owed his success to Mother.
cf) They blamed the failure on George.
They blamed George for the failure.
2. 의존의 On, To
★★ B(도움)을 A(수단)에 의존 하다.
| depend | |
| rely | on A for B |
| count,rest | |
We depend on the mass media for daily news.
I count on him for assistance.
★★ B를 A에 의존(호소) 하다.
| 의존 | turn, look | |
+------+-----------------+ to A for B |
| 호소 | resort, appeal | |
I turn to Mother for pocket money.
The prisoner appealed to the judge for mercy.
3. 제거,요구의 Of
★ A에게서 B를 제거(박탈)하다.
| 제거 | rob, rid | |
| | deprive, strip | A of B |
+------+---------------------+ (사람) (사물) |
| 경감 | ease, cure,relieve | |
★ B에게서 A를 요구(기대)하다.
| ask, require | A of B |
| demand, expect | (사물) (사람) |
I want to ask a favor of you.
4. 제공,부여,부과의 With, On
★ A에게서 B를 제공(위탁,선사)하다.
| 제공 | provide,supply | |
| | furnish | |
+------+------------------------+ A with B |
| 위탁 | trust | (사람) (사물) |
+------+------------------------+ |
| 선사 | present | B for(to) A |
Sheep provide us with wool.
★ - - 을 타고 나다(대개 수동태)
be with
He is endowed by nature with genius.
★ B에게 A를 부과(강요)하다.
| 부과 impose | |
+------------------+ A on B |
| 강요 force | |
I am sorry to impose a new burden on you again.
cf) We forced him to sign the paper.
I forced some more water on him.
5. 행동의 방향을 나타내는 Into, Out of
★ [설득하여 - - 하게[못하게] 하다]
| 설득 |argue,talk,persu de| into - - - ing(긍정)|
+-------+-------------------+ |
| 강요 | force | out of - - ing (부정)|
(1) I talked him into staying at home.
I forced the lady into complying with my proposal.
(2) I managed to talk him out of this plan.
I talked the girl out of doing that.
Can you persuade her out of her foolish plans ?
cf) I persuaded him to try again.
6. 구별,분리의 From
★ [A와 B를 구별하다]
| tell, know, distinguish A from B |
Can you tell good books from bad ones ?
★ [A와 B를 분리하다.]
| separate, alienate, |
| A from B |
| isolate |
7. 방해, 금지의 From
★ [ ∼ 가 - - -하는 것을 막다[방해하다]]
| prevent | |
| keep | ∼ from - -ing |
| stop | |
The heavy snowfall prevented him from attending the party.
★ [ ∼ 가 - - 하는 것을 금지시키다[삼가다]]
| prohibit | ∼ from - - ing |[금지시키다](법,규칙으로)
| refrain,abstain | from - - ing |[삼가다]
The law prohibits ships from approaching this island.
Refrain from smoking and abstain from drinking.
8. 통지,설득의 Of
| inform , convince,assure | |
| | A of B |
| remind, persuade,notify | (사람) |
He convinced me of her honesty.(∼ that she was honesty)
He informed me of the news.
This album reminds me of my school.
9. 변화의 Into
| turn, translate | |
| | A into B |
| change,put | |
Heat changes ice into water.
Put the following sentence into Korean.
10. 칭찬,비난,감사의 For
| praise, punish | |
| | A(사람) for B |
| blame, thank | |
He blamed her for idleness.
11.A를 B로 잘못 알다.
| mistake [take] A for B |
They took me for a chinese.
12. 전치사 + the + 신체의 일부
| 붙잡다 : catch,hold,take,seize,grasp + by |
| 때리다 : strike,knock,beat,pat,hit,touch,kiss + on |
| 보다 : look,stare,gaze, + in |
| 기타 : 기타 동사 + 사람 + 기타전치사 |
He held me by the sleeve.
He hit me on the shoulder.
He looked me in the face.
Mother cut her in the finger when cooking.
She slapped him in the face.
He embraced her round the neck.
13. 다른 전치사와 함께 뜻이 달라지는 형용사
| ① be angry at [about] (something) ( (- -일에) 화를 내다.) |
| be angry with (a person) ((- - 에게) 화를 내다.) |
| ② be anxious at [about] ( - - 에 대해 걱정하다) |
| be anxious for ( - - 을 갈망하다.) |
| ③ be familiar to + 사람 ( - - 에게 잘 알려저 있다) |
| be familiar with + 사물 ( - - 을 잘 알고 있다) |
| be good at ( - - 을 잘하다) |
| ④ be good for ( - - 에 좋다) |
| be good to ( - - 에 친절하다) |
| ⑤ be tired of ( - - 에 싫증나다) |
| be tired with ( - - 에 지치다) |
| ⑥ be dependent on ( - - 에 의지하다) |
| be independent of ( - - 에서 독립하다) |
| ⑦ be concerned in [with] ( - - 에 관계하다) |
| be concerned about [for] (- - 을 고려하다) |
| ⑧ be possessed by [with] ((악령 따위에) 들리다) |
| be possessed of ( - - 을 소유하고 있다) |